Just another girl (chapter 20)

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I love mornings. The gentle breeze which sweeps through the window and the birds singing their morning songs. The only thing I'm not so sure about this morning is how I actually got into bed. All my clothes are neatly piled up on the floor and I don't remember taking my makeup off last night but there is no trace of smudged mascara on my bed linen. All of a sudden there was a knock at my bedroom door "come in Sandra, I'm just getting up now" I whispered slipping on one of my baggy jumpers. "Don't bother getting up" said a low voice. As the door opened I saw that it wasn't Sandra but in fact liam.

He walked towards me with a tray of food. 'I've brought you breakfast' he said smiling and placing the tray by my legs. "Did you sleep well?" I was so surprised to see liam standing in front of me and it took me a few seconds to reply "yes thanks, however I'm not so sure on how I managed to get into bed last night" I said looking around me still unsure on the situation. Liam laughed taking a seat on the edge of my bed "you fell asleep in my car last night" he began starting a slow pace and taking a breath "I didn't want to wake you so I carried you in and put you to bed." He carried me in. He said it as if it was something easy. Like carrying the groceries from the supermarket to the car easy. "Sandra was still up when I brought you home" he continued "she said that I looked exhausted and didn't want me driving back to my place so offered me the sofa for the night, I couldn't resist as I knew it meant that I would be able to see your beautiful face this morning" he said blushing slightly but still pulling one of his gorgeous smiles.

Today I felt like baking and of course I was going to get liam to help me. He has to leave after lunch as the band have a meeting. He may not be able to try one but that doesn't mean that he can't help make them. Once I was up and changed I pulled my hair into a messy bun and rummaged through the cupboards to find the ingredients for traditional cupcakes. "I'm not very good at baking" liam admitted shyly. I walked over to him handing him the recipe card "it's not that bad, trust me it will be fine" I said giggling at his lack of baking knowledge.

If I was to say the baking went well I would be lying. Liam was fine to start with until he decided that the cake mixture would be better on my face rather than in the cupcake cases. Once the cupcakes where in the oven I decided to start eating some of the left over cake mixture from the bowl, liam joined in running his finger across the bowl and placing the mixture in his mouth. We both made the same "mmmm" noise after realising the cupcake mixture tasted devine.

"Now for the icing" I said dumping a large bag of icing sugar on the work surface. "Icing?" Liam questioned, "you want me to make icing?" He chuckled knowing that his baking problems were annoying me. "Yes butter icing, it's not too tricky, I will show you." I handed liam the scales and the icing sugar "100 grams of sugar please chef" I announced making liam look at me funny but still he followed my order.

The icing was great and it made the cakes look super pretty when they we decorated. Jamie and Andrew both came downstairs while we were in the middle of decorating they walked over to me and liam to introduce then selves. All three of them were chatting and eventually the boys offered liam to play x-box with them which he obviously couldn't resist.

While the boys were playing fifa on the x-box I decided that now would be a great time to go and see Charlotte about the situation with the shop, she is most likely to be with Harry so it shouldn't take long. I walked towards Harry's house knowing that he would problem answer the door asking questions about me and liam. I shook my head quickly trying to remove the thoughts. As I did this I found myself at the door. My hand automatically reached out to ring the doorbell but before I could press it I heard shouting coming from inside. "Harry, if she can go on tour with you then why can't I?" They were arguing about me. I felt bad even though I had no reason to. Liam invited me so he wanted me there. They other boys must of agreed, mustn't they? I heard footsteps coming towards the door so I quickly hid around the side of the door hoping that I wasn't seen. Charlotte pulled the door open "call me when you have grown up!" She yelled before slamming the door behind her. She stormed off up the path and as soon as she had turned the corner I rung the door bell. There was no answer, rung it again. "Harry it's me Ashley, you alright?" I said hearing slow footsteps coming toward the door. As he opened it he looked tired and sad. "Harry do you want me to ring someone, Louis maybe?" I said feeling sorry for him. "Yeah if you want to Ash" he said walking towards his living room. I followed him through his house and into his living room where he sat down on the couch. "Wasn't liam at yours last night?" He said calmly, he must of seen the car parked in our drive last night or this morning. "Yeah he slept on the couch" I said shyly "shall I get him over?" Harry looked up at me his eyes welling up "please" he said softly pulling a little smile.

I quickly walked over to the house, opening the door as quickly as I could. I didn't take my shoes of at the door as I knew it would just waste time. I ran up the stairs hearing the noise of the x-box coming from Jamie's room. I didn't knock I just burst in going over to liam and tried pulling him up. "Hey Ash, what's with the rush" he said still playing fifa. "Liam it's Harry, he's fallen out with Charlotte and he could use a friend." I grabbed his hands pulling him up. They were soft so I didn't let go leading him through the house and out the door towards Harry's place. Still holding liam's hard I opened the door before leading him to the living room. Harry was still there sat on the couch staring at the floor. As soon as we saw him me and liam unlocked hards before going to sid by Harry's side. Liam gave him one of his comforting hugs "Harry mate, do you want to talk about this here or at the meeting. We are meant to be there in 20 minutes" the tone in liam's voice was something I had never heard before. He sounded so comforting and farther like towards his band mate. Harry sniffed and ran his hand through his curls "we should probably go to the meeting, Simon will be expecting us."

Liam walked Harry out to his car which was parked in my drive. Once Harry was in the car Liam came over to me wrapping his arms around my waist. I looked up at him and said "he will be alright Liam, Charlotte can be unpredictable sometimes and if he really does like her then he needs to know that." I said, he looked at me and smiled "what would I do without you?" He whispered before placing a soft kiss on my forehead. His grip around my waist loosened before he let go completely walking around the to get into the drivers seat. Liam started the engine and gave me a small wave before leaving the drive.

I turned back towards the house checking my phone on the way. I had a message from harry simply reading "thank you x"

I am so sorry that I haven't written in ages

I'm super exited to be writting again

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Abi x

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