Just another girl (chapter 15)

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OMG! last night was great but now I have a little bit of a hangover. My head is pounding and to be honest I feel rubbish. I only managed to get about 4 hours of sleep due to me waking up all the time and having to be sick. I also woke up on the living room floor and from what I can recall I remember going to sleep on my bed.

Jamie came down just after I had woken up and made me a cup of tea. He was chatting to me about how drunk I was and saying that I couldn't walk anywhere without falling over. He was also saying how Louis and Eleanor had fallen out and that Lou was quite upset. This wasn't like them, they never argue. It must be something serious.

I rang Louis as soon as I had had a shower and got changed. He answers the phone sounding like his voice was breaking. Maybe he is hungover from yesterday. "Hey Lou it's me Ashley, I was just wondering if you were ok, it's just that Jamie said you were a bit upset about something.' There was a short pause before he answered, "Oh Ash I'm in such a muddle, Eleanor told me that she has found someone else and that she doesn't love me anymore. What am I going to do?" Oh dear, I have never know Louis to be so upset before. "Do you want me to come over?" I heard him say a quick 'yes' before hanging up. Sandra wasn't home so I had to get to Louis's house some other way. Harry.

I walked over to Harry's house and there gates were open so I walked straight down the driveway towards the wooden oak door. I knocked on the door and waited for a response. There was the sound of people talking before the door eventually opened. I was shocked to see charlotte standing there in what seemed to be one of Harry's jumpers. That bitch! Does this mean that she has slept with Harry! I was still standing there trying not to explode with anger. "Oh hi, is Harry there please." she smiled sweetly before turning and shouting "Harry Hun, Ashley's here to see you." It only took a few moments before Harry was standing in front of me also in his pyjamas. "I was just wondering of you could drive me to Louis place because he is about upset because of something to do with Eleanor."He looked confused so I told him I would tell him on the way. "Ok sure will be right down as soon as I have got changed," and with that he ran up the stairs.

I waited for a moment while Harry was saying bye to charlotte before making my way to his range rover. It was quite dark outside and it did look as if it was going to rain but I just hoped it wouldn't. once we were both in the car Harry pulled out of the driveway and onto the road. For Louis' sake I was hoping this journey wouldn't take too long.

Once we were finally at Louis house I jumped out the car and ran to the door. I pressed the door bell and waited for a response. I heard soft crying from the other side of the door so I let myself in. "Lou, are you alright?" he was curled up on the sofa while watching a Disney film. I looked at him carefully before noticing he was actually crying with laughter. "Louis, what are you up too!" he turned around quickly before laughing even more. "I'm not sad, I just wanted to see how hungover you all are, your faces!" right that's it, he got me really worried! "do you know how early it is bro!" Harry said walking towards him. "Sorry man I didn't know that you would worry." Louis looked scared before Harry also started laughing. god these two are totally mad."What's so funny?" I said trying to sound serious. "Oh don't worry Ash, we are just totally mad!" There you go. I told you they were mad.

We stayed at Louis place for a bit before we went back home. Harry kept getting texts from charlotte and Louis had loads of text from Eleanor because actually they haven't fallen out, it was just a joke. now I am the lonely one. Great!


Thanks for reading guys and over 250 reads!

Sorry it's short and it took ages


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