Just another girl (chapter 7)

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We both ran to the door slipping on our shoes. Quickly we opened the door and ran outside shutting the door behind us. Just as we were walking into the lane Harry was pulling into his driveway. "Oh, I see you have a new nabour." She looked at me in surprise. "Yeah! And you will never guess who it is!" She looked down the driveway to see a tall,slim bloke step out of his car before walking to his front door. "No," she began "it can't be!" I looked at her and nodded

"yes, it is!" I could see the shock and amazement building up in her face before she erupted like a volcano, "IT'S HARRY STYLES!" She screamed. Harry looked over at us wondering why his name was being shouted so loudly. Quickly I waved at him and pushed Charlotte up the road to get us out of sight.

Charlotte was staring at me for about five minuets without talking before she started throwing loads of questions at me. "Why didn't you tell me about this?" I didnt have anytime to reply because she kept on throwing questions at me. "When did he move here?" she finally stopped and took some deep breaths. "He has only just moved here and i didn't think you would of cared that Harry Styles is living next door to me as you aren't really a directioner." She looked at me before nodding a couple of times obviously agreeing with me. "i am definitely becoming a directioner now that your living next to Harry Styles!" We giggled at eachother for a moment before walking towards the post office.

The shop for sale next to the post office was medium sized and wasnt actually that much money. If we wanted to the buy the shop we would have to pay £1,000 each because it was going to cost £2,000 altogether. "I can afford that!" I say looking at Charlotte "so can I she replied!" A smile grew on both of our faces. "But I will have to ask Sandra first." Charlotte looked at me worried and said "yeah I wonder what my mum would say." She was right. What if our parents didn't want us to own our own salon and we have just got our hopes up for no reason. This made me feel down so I suggested that we go to the cafe to get some drinks.

Charlotte and I both got red berry smoothies and left the cafe. Once we had got our drinks we made our way back towards the house. Just as we were walking past the big gates shutting Harry's house away from the rest of the village they started to open. This made me and Charlotte jump but I knew that gates would only open if Harry talked Ito the little black box. This meant that Harry was on the other side of the door! I started to run towards my house grabbing Charlotte's hand and dragging her with me. "Where are you going?" I heard a sweet but masculine voice behind me. "I was jus-" I got stopped by Harry placing his index finger on my lips. "Your coming around mine for cuppa so you can introduce. me to your friend, I need to get to know the people around here." He said smiling at Charlotte his dimples showing. Aren't they cute!

Harry took my hand and led me towards his house. Charlotte went round to the other side of Harry and linked arms with him. Once we had got to the font door Harry had to let go of my hand as he had to unlock the door. Charlotte was looking so pleased with herself because she was linking arms with HARRY STYLES! Charlotte went into the house following him and looking at her surroundings. Harry's house was massive and the furniture was very trendy. Finally after walking through the long hallway we made our way into the very posh kitchen. There was an island in the middle with high bar seats placed around it. Everything looked very new and white. Me and Charlotte sat down on the seats waiting while Harry made us a cup of tea.

Harry already knew stuff about me so it was his chance to talk to Charlotte. They were chatting and giggleing for ages. I started getting a little bit bored so i picked up the nearest magazine and started to read. While i was reading about how to get a good tan in the summer i could still hear them laughing about how they were so chubby as baby's. I couldn't take it any longer i was going to have to leave! I stood up from my seat made my way over to Charlotte, i gave her a hug and told her that i should be getting home because Sandra will be waiting for me. I then said bye to Harry and left without another word.


Thanks to everyone for reading. Hope you are enjoying it. Sorry if some of the chapters are a little bit short.


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