Just another girl (chapter 19)

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"Take a seat," Liam said softly whilst pulling out a chair. Louis was right he has taken me to the Italian. "I was wondering if you wanted to get a big pizza and share it" he continued. I nodded politely while looking at the drinks menu. "What are you having to drink?" I asked him quietly making sure I didn't disturb any of the other conversations in the room. "I'm just going to have a lemonade," he answered and I agreed with him. "yeah please may I have the same." The waitress came over and Liam ordered everything. we had decided to go for a tropical pizza which had peppers, pineapple and ham on it.

The pizza was delicious and the lemonade washed it down nicely. While at we were eating the conversation had a good flow to it as we talked about my college course and the shop. This reminded me that I would have to speak to Charlotte and to get to Charlotte I would probably have to see Harry. I hadn't spoken to him in a while but I am sure he would of known about me and Liam going out for dinner as the guys are really close. But then again Liam might not of told him, maybe they hadn't seen each other. Whichever way it was I felt anxious going to see them both. While I was thinking about this I must have paused the conversation as when I finally escaped from my daydream Liam was looking at me blankly. "So what do you think?" He said pulling a cheeky smile. "Think of what exactly?" I replied hoping that he wouldn't realise that I didn't have a clue about what he was talking about. "Do you want to come on tour with the lads? I mean you don't have to stay the whole time and we can go on day trips and.."

"Liam that sounds great!" I replied. This made his eyes shine and the sides of his lips rise. "Well it's a date," he said while getting out his wallet to pay the bill.

After Liam had paid we walked back towards the car park. It wasn't as warm as I had hoped it would be when I was picking out my outfit. The cool breeze blew on my legs making them shiver slightly. Liam must of noticed as he took off his jacket and softly covered my shoulders with it. "We don't want you catching a cold now do we?" he said rhetorically. The sky was clear now and there wasn't a single cloud in sight. The moon shone brightly and all the starts sparkled like fairy dust. We got to the car rather quickly and I got straight in as I was still feeling the cold. once Liam had started the engine he began to sing little things softly. Once he had started I knew that I wouldn't be able to stay awake...


I know it's really short but I will try and get another chapter up ASAP

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What do you think will happen next?

Abi x

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