Just another girl (chapter 11)

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm. For a moment i was wondering why it was going off but then I realised. "Oh sh*t I have work!" At the time of saying this I actually thought i was thinking and not saying. But being me I must have said this out loud. "Ashley did you want something? I heard you shout." The worst thing about saying it out loud was that everyone must of heard!

Sandra must of been waiting for me to answer because eventually she came upstairs to see me, "Well?" I sat up before saying anything, "sorry, I just forgot I had work." She rolled her eyes and said 'well that was a waste of time!' under her breath.

Quickly I had breakfast and a shower before picking up my work clothes. I had just washed them and ironed them the day before so they smelt fresh like berries. I pulled on my black pencil skirt and my black shirt before doing the buttons up and walking downstairs. Quickly I made my way towards the front door and turned the key to open it. I then slipped on my black stilettos and my leather jacket, making sure that my phone was in my pocket.

I checked the time and began to walk up the drive way. As always I looked at Harry's house. Today the gates were shut. This could mean that he is home alone or he is out. 'Anyway I have to get to work,' I thought to myself. The town center was quiet for a Saturday. The only place that looked busy was the cafe. Great! I walked around to the back of the cafe and entered through the kitchen. I picked up my notepad and made my way strait to the front to take peoples orders.

-After work-

Work was actually ok today. Even though it was busy the customers didnt mind waiting. Harry came into the cafe today with Niall. They sat down and ordered cofee, they were then joined by a girl. She had blonde hair that was pulled up into a high ponytale, she was wearing a baggy jumper which said 'GEEK' on it with light blue skinny jeans. To be honest they were clothes that I would wear. She sat down next to Niall and they were obviously talking about something that was really funny because she was laughing really loud! But who is she?

I left work and made my way back to the house still wondering who the girl was. I got home to find a note from Sandra in the porch, it read,

'Hey Ashley, im going out tonight and wont be home till tomorrow evening. You can go and stay with a mate if you want or you can stay at home with Jamie and Andrew. Anyway see you tomorrow. -Love Sandra xxx P.S- NO PARTYS !!'

Cheers then Sandra, just leave me with the boys! Anyway, I have to find out about this girl and I bet we all know the best place for gossip about 1D, thats right TWITTER! So I looked and couldn't find anything until I went onto Niall's profile to see a tweet about how he had a great day with this girl named Lydia. There was a photo attached and there she was with him at a restaurant. Harry had also tweeted a picture of them both which said 'aren't these two so adorable together!' OMG Niall has a girlfriend!


Sorry if its a bit short, just thought it would be a good place to leave it.

Hope you like it! please comment and vote.

Thanks again

-Abi xx

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