Just another girl (chapter 13)

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When I woke up in the morning Charlotte was still asleep so I decided to take a shower. Jamie and Andrew were both up because I could hear them talking downstairs. I tried to overhear their conversation but their talking was to faint and all i could hear were mumbles. Tiptoeing i made my way to the bathroom making sure that I didn't disturb anyone. The shower was warm and refreshing. It was just what i needed to calm my body. By the time that I had showered Charlotte had woken up and was down stairs chatting to my brothers. God that girl is such a flirt, just like Harry! I left Charlotte downstairs and went straight into my room and got changed. I put on my light blue washed denim jeggings with my floral white vest top, then blow drying my hair and letting the loose natural waves cover my shoulders. It was nice and peaceful while I put on my muscara and lipgloss before Charlotte came bursting in. "Oh hello Ashley, good morning to you too." She sounded odd untill she continued. "I hope you dont mind but I was planning on going to see Harry. It's just that he was going to take me to the cinema to see their new film." Oh really! She thinks that she can just put me aside and replace me with Harry! Seriously this girl needs to get her priorities right. "And you are just going to leave me!" My voice was stern but fair. She nodded making her way down the stairs with her bags in her hands. Before I could say anything she was downstairs unlocking the door and walking off to Harry's house. "That girl!" I screamed slamming the door behind me.

Charlotte is never the type of girl to forget anything but seeing as it is my birthday tomorrow! oh let me rephrase that, IT'S MY 18th BIRTHDAY TOMORROW! She didn't even hint on it. suddenly the only person she seems to care about is Harry and obviously the 12th of September has been wiped out of the calendar so it now goes from the 11th to the 13th! I always remember her birthday and I always make sure she has a great day. My 18th birthday party is obviously something I am going to have to plan myself. Right, first thing I have to do is get some people to come around but that's a lot harder than it sounds. I don't have anyone to invite! I could invite the boys. I'm sure Liam and Harry would love to come around and I could ask them to bring their girlfriends! I will text the boys and ask them straight away.

By 4pm I had had all of the replies. Liam was coming on his own and so was Louis. Niall was coming with Lydia and Zayn was coming with Perrie. Harry asked if he could bring Charlotte and being the lovely person that I am I decided to let him bring her. Now that I actually have some guests I will have to go and get some food and maybe some movies. I will get Sandra to drive me straight to the supermarket first thing tomorrow morning! Maybe I could just get a few different pizzas and some dough balls. I love dough balls! I will also get some apple juice because I love apple juice and its going to be my party so I can do what I want.

By the time I had had my dinner and taken a shower it was about 6.30 and I was actually starting to feel tiered. While I was walking to my room my eyelids kept on trying to close by them self but I had to try and keep them open so that I didn't fall over. Once I had reached the bed I lay down staring up at the ceiling and gradually drifting into a deep sleep.


'Buzz, buzz, buzz'

I woke up with a start, wondering what the buzzing sound was before turning to my phone. While I was picking it up I unlocked the screen. '8 unread messages' quickly I tapped on the screen making my messages show. One message from Sandra, Jamie, Andrew, Liam, Louis, Zayn, Niall and Harry. somewhere in every single one of those messages read 'happy birthday!' At first I was totally puzzled but then I realised, TODAY IS MY 18TH BIRTHDAY! Running down the stairs I could smell bacon being cooked. Sandra always makes me a bacon sandwich on my birthday because she knows they are my favourite. Jamie and Andrew both have pancakes seeing as their birthday is on the same day and they both love them. Holding back my giggles I sneaked up behind Sandra before shouting, "ITS MY 18TH BIRTHDAY!" She jumped with surprise before laughing like a little girl. "Yes I know it's your birthday dear, no need to shout."

I ate my breakfast slowly savouring every bite. I kept my phone close to me because I was getting birthday messages from college mates and old school friends. The only person that hasn't texted or rung me is Charlotte. It doesn't really matter anyway because Harry should be bringing her round tonight as she is his girlfriend.

I went upstairs and took a hot shower before putting on my blue shorts and white tie-top. Sandra took me into town to get the food for later and I also bought some films. On the way home Sandra told me that I wasn't allowed my present until later this evening. this made me slightly scared because I don't really like surprises and I had a bad feeling it was going to be something big. Anyway I am happy and tonight is going to be great!


Hope you like it! keep on reading and tell me any ideas that you have.

Sorry that it took so long, I have had a lot of homework.

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