Just another girl (chapter 2)

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Andrew drove me to work really quickly.we were there in no time. I work in a restaurant called 'Sally's' it used to be owned by my mum and she was called Sally.

Andrew dropped me off outside and made sure I got in ok. "Don't worry about picking me up later, I'll walk" I said closing the restaurant door behind me. I walked straight to the back to fetch my apron which was part of my waitress uniform.

Going around and asking people what they want to eat can be really boring, but today all the customers seemed to be happy and chatty. This is actually not normal for people around here. It was nearly the end of my shift and there was just one more man to ask. "Hello, what would you like to order" I said admiring his lovely curly hair. "I'll have tacos please" he said sounding very sure. "Good choice sir." I think I must of said this sounding really unsure. "Are they good?" He said. Now sounding unsure. "Oh yes they are lovely, it's just that I thought I recognised your voice."

I hadn't actually seen this man before in the restaurant but I could definitely remember his voice from somewhere. As soon as the tacos were ready I took them straight out. "Here you go" I said trying not to sound confused. "Thank you very much." He turned his head around so that I could see his face. "Oh that's ok" I said "wait, your not Harry styles are you?" That's where I know the voice from. "Yep that's me" he said smiling at me the way Andrew does.

I had finished my shift now and I had just started walking down the road towards the house. "Hey waitress girl" said a familiar voice. I turned round to see that Harry was running towards me. "Are you going down there" her said pointing towards where my house was. "Yeah" I replied "that's where I live."

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