Just another girl (chapter 10)

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I was outside the gates to Harry's house. They were already open and the Range Rovers were still in the drive way. I walked down the gravel path before reaching Harry's front door. I lifted my hand up to knock at the door but before I had even touched it the door swung open. To my surprise Harry wasn't standing at the door, instead there was a slim bloke wearing red skinny jeans that were rolled up to just below his knees. He had a blue and white stripped t-shirt on and his hair was perfectly styled into a quiff. "You must be Ashley, its nice to meet you. Come on in." I followed Harry's friend towards the kitchen. Just before he opened the door I heard Harry shout to his mate "hey Louis, is that Ashley?" I freezed for a moment before having a brain wave. HARRY HAS BROUGHT ME HERE TO MEET THE REST OF ONE DIRECTION!

I was right! in the kitchen Harry was sat down with Niall, Liam and Zayn. Oh my days!

I spent the whole day at Harry's house chatting and having a laugh with the boys. Being in the same room as all of them at the same time is unreal! I had to leave at 5pm to go and help Sandra with dinner but as soon as I left Jamie turned up and was going to take the boys down to the pub. I managed to get all of the boys numbers before I left and each of them gave me a hug before saying goodbye.

I walked back to the house remembering that I hadn't told Sandra about the shop I was thinking about buying. I opens the door the find her looking at me as if to say 'aren't you a bit late.' Walking towards her I said sorry and started helping to make the dinner. We were having pie and mash so I had to start making the pastry.

I made the dinner and it was all cooking so I decided to tell Sandra about the shop. "Sandra, now that I don't have collage anymore I was thinking about opening a salon. me and Charlotte were thinking about opening it together. do you think it is a good idea?" A massive smile grew on her face and she burst into words. "Oh Ashley, that's a wonderful idea! My little girl growing up, your parents will be so proud." I smiled and then thought about what she said. My parents. I try not to think about them but I can't help it. I love them both so much and I always have missed them.

I walked up to my room and say on my bed. Picking up my phone I checked to see if I had any texts. 'One unread message.' I wonder who it is. Charlotte! Being the nice person that I am I decided to text her back even though all she said was 'Hey.' I replied saying...

'Hey Charlotte, hope your still up for buying the shop. Sandra said its fine and that she is happy that we are growing up! Hope it's ok with you. Ashley xx'

I wonder how long she actually stayed at Harry's for last night. Hopefully she didn't stay that long! I wouldn't want there to be anything going on between them. If there was, why was Harry being so nice to me? maybe he is trying to cover it up!

Before I could think of any other bad things about Harry and Charlotte Sandra called me and Andrew to tell us that dinner was ready, I forgot Andrew was here as well.

The food was absolutely Amazayn (see what I did there). I must say that I am a pretty good cook. Its because I work in cafe and the cooks in there used to teach me how to make things in their spare time.

Once I had eaten I went back upstairs and went into Andrews room to fetch a DVD. I picked out legally blonde. I love that film but I had no idea why it was in Andrews room! Anyway, I took it back to my room and placed it into the DVD player. By the time all the adverts had passed I was in bed with a cup of tea wearing my pyjamas. I managed to watch the hole film without falling asleep but as soon as it had finished I was feeling sluggish so I went to sleep.


Hope that you like it and if you have anything you want me to put in just tell me.

Also went to see 'This is us' yesterday and it was fab!


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