Chapter 1

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Sydney's pov:

Right after I told Ben about what happened between me and Danny he went to talk to him so I called the other boys over because I didn't want to be by myself. I went upstairs to my room and freshened up. As I was doing my makeup, I stopped to look at my features and cringed. I looked a lot like Danny which to me was bad because it's constant reminder that I'm his sister. I smiled a little when I looked at the piercings I had on my face. I had snakebites on the left side of my mouth, a nose ring, and an eyebrow piercing.

I look down at the rest of my body which was unclothed except for my bra and underwear. I see some of the tattoos that cascade down my body and take note of them. I have a three dot tattoo on my left eye which I got with Oli Sykes. We were totally shitfaced and got the thing done.  I had a watercolor butterfly tattoo on my right arm that Ben did. It was a Monarch so it had a beautiful mixture of browns, oranges, and reds.  I also had tattoo on my stomach by my underwear line that said "fuck you" that Danny did. Once again, we were drunk and Danny had the tattoo gun. Sam and I actually both have that from the same night. I do have penis tattoo directly underneath that Danny did that same night. I roll my eyes at the thought.  I had a lion on the back of  my right shoulder that I got to symbolize courage. I always had a hard time believing in myself, so that tattoo was a constant reminder to me.  

I heard a knock on the door so I opened it and was engulfed in a hug by Sam. The rest of the guys walked around us and too the fridge, but I didn't care. Sam and I were always close and it felt nice to have someone wrap you in a warm and tight hug, but of course good things don't last forever and Sam made his grip extremely tight.

 "Sam, I can't breathe." I somehow chocked out. 

"OMG IM SOOOO SORRY." Sam liked to yell in my ear, it was super annoying. 

"You fucking hurt my ear!" I grabbed my ear and shot him a death glare.

"Oh sorry, does this help?" Before I could ask him what he meant, he licked the inside of my ear and ran into the house laughing like an idiot.  "FUCK YOU SAM" I shouted after him

"Hey leave room for me when you do!" I turn and saw Cam and James walking up. 

"You guys know I don't want to fuck any of you right?" I shuddered at the thought. It would be like doing it with a bunch of my brothers, gross. 

"Why not!?" James asked with puppy dog eyes.

"I don't want to be part of the STD community." I replied. Those guys were gross and I did NOT want to contract some disgusting disease. 

"What should we do?" Cam asked. "I want to watch a movie!" I shouted. "What should we watch?" I walked over to the movie cabinet and shouted out our options. We decided to watch the Harry Potter movies while waiting for Ben to come back. After what seemed like forever Ben finally showed up. 

Ben pov:

I went to go talk to Danny and tell him to get his act together. How dare he hurt the one person in the world I love and he's gonna pay for it too. 

I bust into Danny's house to find him with some slut in bed doing something absolutely horrifying. 

"DANNY FUCKING WHORSNOP. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" That slut was my "girlfriend" She jumped off of him and ran out of the house.

"What the fuck Ben? I was about to get some!"

I didn't answer him, I just walked up to him punched him. Of course that started an outright brawl. Danny was a big guy and he packed a punch, but I was quicker and I wasn't totally shitfaced so I had the upper hand. I knocked him out, but decided to stay until he sobered up. He is in Asking Alexandria after all. He is supposed to be my "brother." 

After he sobered up he asked me to leave. As I walked out the door I turned around and looked at him for the last time. He still looked like Danny, but fatter and had a homeless vibe to him. He also looked a little beat up, but that was my doing. I stared at him for a few more seconds before I left. Somehow, I knew that was the last time I would see Danny while he was in Asking Alexandria. 

I got in my car and started to drive home. I was about halfway home before I got a call from Danny.

"Hey" I quietly said.

"Hey, I think you know what this is about." Danny said from the other end of the line.

"Yeah. I do." 

And that was the last time I would get to talk to my "best friend." After I hung up, I started getting flashbacks of all the fun memories we had. He wanted to throw away all we had for what? More drinking? His new band? I know it's not my fault, but I can't help but think that I could have done something to stop him on this destructive path. I've known Danny a really really long time. I probably know him better than most people. He wasn't always like this. I don't know what caused him to be such an asshole now. I continued pondering until I got back to the house. I even sat in my car for what seemed like forever. I looked at the clock and it was 3:00 Am. I had sat int he car for a full hour. I trugged up to the door dreading what I had to do. I eventually walked in and everyone cheered. Everything hit me like a bus and the room fell silent. As I was walking towards the stairs where my bed was I turned around and stared all of them in the  eye and said

Danny left the band. 

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