Chapter 10

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Ben's pov

We just had our first practice with Denis and even though he is amazing, I can't help but miss Danny. The fact that I actually miss that piece of shit makes me angry. I can't believe he would just abandon me, his sister, and the band. As the anger seethed through me I knew I needed to write some song lyrics. Writing always seemed to make my anger less..volatile.

I recently had a phone call with Danny. I wanted to bury the non-existent hatchet so that we could both start fresh, but boy was I fucking wrong. 

I told you once and I won't say it again You never meant a thing to me, a means to an end 

All the memories we shared were gone: 

- Me taking Syd to the prom. Gone

- Our first tattoos together. Gone

- Our first time touring. Gone

- Claiming that we were brothers. Gone

- Seeing Metallica (our favorite band as teenagers). Gone

- Helping each other through tough times. Gone.

- Helping Sydney with depression. Gone.

As I continued thinking about our memories, it made me angrier until I finally had a full blown song:I told you once and I won't say it again

You never meant a thing to me, a means to an end
If we can't change the past then why should we care?
I don't give a fuck if you're here or you're there!
Your God damn beliefs have made you go blind
Your ego, your fame they have poisoned your mind

So take take take all your memories
'Cuz I don't want 'em and I don't need 'em
So stay stay stay the hell away from me
The truth is I'm moving on

So take take take all your memories
'Cuz I don't want 'em and I don't need 'em
Stay stay stay the hell away from me

So get the fuck out, fuck out
You'll take this to your fucking grave
Fuck off, fuck off
I told you that we'd make it our own way

You self righteous, sacrilegious, fucking cunt
Your unintelligent, irrelevant ramblings are falling upon deaf ears
How can you be the voice of a generation
When the only voice you listen to is in your own fucking head?

So take take take all your memories
'Cuz I don't want 'em and I don't need 'em
So stay stay stay the hell away from me
The truth is I'm moving on

So take take take all your memories
'Cuz I don't want 'em and I don't need 'em
Stay stay stay the hell away from me
I'm moving on

Hell yeah, so we came here to stay
And none of you can fucking take this away
Fuck yeah, here's what I have to say;
Goodbye and so long it's the start of a new day

As the seconds turn into days
We stand together
We will never be the same
We stand together

So take take take all your memories
'Cuz I don't want 'em and I don't need 'em

So stay stay stay the hell away from me
The truth is I'm moving on

As the seconds turn into days
We stand together
We will never be the same
We stand together

Hell yeah, so we came here to stay
And none of you can fucking take this away
Fuck yeah, here's what I have to say;
Goodbye and so long it's the start of a new day

There was one memory that has stuck with me. There is one memory with Danny that makes me sick because I know I will never forget it. The last time he showed that he cared. 

*Flashback. still Ben's pov*

"I got here as fast as I could" Danny said, "How is she?"

"Not good." I mumbled, looking at the floor.

"I'm sorry I took so long, my phone was dead and I couldn't find a charger and-"

"Danny, it's fine, you're here now."

"Do the doctors think your mum will make it?"

"I don't know. I don't know what I'd do without her." My dad wasn't around and he hadn't been since I was a baby, I was only 16. I couldn't bear to live without my mum around. She helped me through so much and I couldn't bear to lose her because of fucking cancer. 

"Look man" Danny put his arm around me. "You can always stay with my and Syd. Our house is your house, our food, your food, our booze, your booze. Ok?"

"Y-Yeah." Shit. I started crying. 

"Hey, Ben. You want to hear a joke?"


"What's big and fun to ride?"


"Your dick" Danny chuckled at his "masterpiece" of a joke.

"Your a dork you loser."

"I got a smile out of you though!" Danny grinned. 

*2 weeks later*

We are here to celebrate the life of Iris Bruce who was tragically taken from us two weeks ago. She lost her battle with cancer, but we all know she put up a good fight. We have with us her son, Ben Bruce who would like to say a few words.

"Hey everyone, I'm Ben. I want to thank each of you for coming to the funeral today, I know my mom would've loved to see everyone. My mom was a fighter. She had me when she was just twenty and raised me as a single mother. She worked long hours and long days so that she could give me everything I needed and wanted. She was a cool mom. She hung out with me and liked the same music as me and we always had a good time. I don't want people to remember her when she had cancer, I wan't people to remember her as the strong role model she is."

I looked over to Danny who gave me a small smile"

"And I want to thank the Worsnop family. Mrs. Worsnop, thank you for giving me a place to stay these few weeks. I would be on the streets if it wasn't for you." I looked over to Sydney. "Sydney, thank you for being a great friend. I know I always have a shoulder to cry on with you. I also know that if I need anything, I can go to you." Finally, I looked over to my best friend and brother. "Danny has been my best mate for a while now and i consider him my brother. Without him, I would be in a much darker place. Danny saved me from myself and I want to thank him for that. Danny, if you ever need me to pull you out of a dark place, I will do everything in my power to do so. I will always be there for you like you were to me."

I will do everything in my power to pull you out of the dark places. 

*end flashback*

I couldn't think straight. I was paralyzed from this memory and I could feel a panic attack starting. I saw Denis walk over to me and he saw what was happening.

"Syd! Syd come here quickly!" He shouted

Sydney's pov. 

I heard Denis calling me to come quickly, I wonder what was wrong.

I walked into the other room and my heart broke: Ben was sitting there silently crying. I ran over to him and wrapped my small arms around him. 

"It's gonna be ok Ben." I said holding him.

"I-I.....I couldn't save him."  Ben said breaking down. 


Hey guys, hope you like the story so far. This one was sad for me to write. I wanted to develop Danny, Ben and Syd before I started adding in Denis too much. So bear with me he's coming in soon :) 

Let me know what you think


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