Chapter 22

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Syndey's pov

The guys stared at me for a long time. Denis looked like he was going to throw up, Ben just looked angry, Sam and Cam both were unreadable, and James was just plain shocked. "Why didn't you tell us?" James asked. "I thought you guys would see who I really was; ugly and worthless." I said breaking down. Ben rushed over to me and pulled me into a hug. "You are NOT ugly and you are NOT worthless. Don't you ever say those things about yourself again." He rocked me back and forth for a while. 

After I told the boys, they were pretty quiet, I don't blame them. They found out a whole new side of me. It explained all my behavior over the  past few years that they never understood. They never understood why I was always "full" or why I always had brusies from "boxing" and they could never figure out why I drank and smoked so much when I was so against it. They never understood why I flinched when the made any sudden movements around me. And now, they all understood.

It's hard to describe how I felt about this. I mean, I'm glad they know now, but in a way I feel exposed. This secret that weighed down on me was out in the open. As I was sitting here pondering everything Denis came and sat next to me. 

"I am so sorry. I know I've treated you horribly and if I had known about all of this I never would-"

"Its ok Denis. You know I've forgiven you for all that's happened between us. I didn't tell you guys because I didn't want you guys to treat me differently." He looked at me surprised and said "How can you just forgive me? After all I've done to you? I should have to make it up to you somehow."

"Just by saying that you are sorry and feel regret for treating me like that is enough." I smiled at him. I thought it was funny that he expected me to be a lot different. "Denis, the past is the past. Plus, I like someone else now, so it would be awkward for me to still be mad at you." I stuck my tounge out at him and walked outside to get some fresh air. It was 12:00 and the boys played at 7:00, oh they are playing in Dallas TX by the way, so I decided to get some lunch. 

I went back to the bus and threw on some clothes that didn't completely smell. I was wearing one of Cam's shirts and one of Ben's hats. I hadn't showered in a while so my hair was gross. "Where you going?" Ben asked me. "To get lunch, want to come?" I asked him. A huge grin plastered on his face and he said "Sure!" He threw on a shirt and grabbed another hat and we walked to the nearest Whataburger. (Its a burger joint that is in Texas and it is realllly good :P) 

"Are we getting food for the guys?" I asked him. "Sure, but lets order and eat here first. I miss our one-on-one time." Butterflies erupted in my stomach. My crush on Ben popped up again. I've always secretly loved him since I met him, but I would never let myself admit it. 

We got our burgers, sat in a booth, and began eating. I snapped a pic of Ben shoving a burger in his mouth and tweeted it out. I laughed as it immediately was re-tweeted 150 times.  Asking's fans have always wanted Ben and me to date, but we never have. 

"Syd. Syyyyyd. ALEXXXXXXXX!" I jumped at Ben trying to get my attention. "Whaaaaaat?" I asked while taking a bite of my burger." "I asked how you were doing dumbshit." He winked at me. "OH, I'm fine, thank you for asking. How are you?" He grinned and said "Horny, but that's nothing new." I chuckled. Hey I was thinking, I want to take you somewhere after this. Let's not get the other guys something." He looked at me hopefully. I sighed, smiled and said "lets do it."

We walked for what seemed like forever until Ben put his hands over my eyes and led me the rest of the way. I loved it when he was being secretive about where we were going because it made me feel special. "Here we are! You ready to see?" He asked. "FUCK YEAH!" I shouted. He took his hands off my eyes and revealed a beautiful grassy area surrounded by a forest and a pond. "Oh my gosh!!!!" I was speechless. Ben knew that I always wanted to go to a place like this. It was really my dream place to be. "Ben. It's so perfect! I don't even know how to say how beautiful this place is!" I said wrapping my arms around him.

He let go of me, looked me straight in the eyes and said, "You just put into words how I feel when I look at you." He rested his forehead on mine and I was speechless. "Be mine" he whispered. "Why do you want me to be yours? I didn't think you actually loved me." I whispered back. 

He pulled away and looked at me in shocked. After a few seconds of him thinking, he took my hands and said 

"I have always loved you. I have loved you since the first day I met you when Danny brought me over to meet you. I would always ask about you and how you were doing. I kept bothering Danny for your number until he eventually gave it to me. The times the boys wanted to leave you home on tour, I pleaded with them to take you. When you started dating James, my heart broke. When you broke up with him, I rejoiced, but was also angry because of how he treated you. That short stint you dated Oli Sykes, I was insanely jealous.  I felt like dying on the inside when you dated Denis. I was actually going to tell you how I felt that day, but Denis beat me to it. The reason why I slept with all of those other girls was to fill the hole that you created. I was trying to sleep you out of my mind, but I couldn't. I would wake up thinking about you, I would think about you during sex. The night we gave each other our virginities was the best night of my life. That night meant the world to me and I have never forgotten it. Every single time we have slept together since then, even if it was sexless, I remember vividly because I was never happier than I was with you. I love you with all of my heart Alexandria Sydney Worsnop. I love you so much that I named my fucking band after you. So don't you dare tell me that I don't love you. You are only telling yourself the complete opposite of the truth."

I stood there shocked. I couldn't believe what Ben had just told me. Ben loved  me. That was the first time a boy had said that and meant it. "I.....I....I love you too." I chocked out. He grabbed me and kissed me. and at that moment, I knew we were meant to be together. 

Nothing could separate us and the love we share. 


Hey guys! Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I actually wrote this, but wattpad didn't upload it so I had to start ALL OVER. >:( I really like this version better though. Let me know what you guys think :)


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