Chapter 3

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Sydney's pov:

I woke up to cold water being dumped on me.

"HOLY SHIT! WHAT THE FUCK!?" I look up and see James laughing his ass off. I turned to my right and saw Ben turn around and groan. 

"Well, Cam got a pic of you two sleeping and so I thought we needed to end the gross adorableness." James proudly stated. 

I looked at my phone and saw that Cam posted a photo of me and Ben sleeping on twitter with the caption "They are gross. Don't they know that Brusnop should die?" I only had a ship name with Ben. I always thought it was funny that we had a ship name and me and Ben would always joke about it. 

"Guys, really? I look AWFUL in this photo." Ben whined.

"Oh shut the fuck up Ben. I know its hard being the pretty princess, but I think you'll live." Pretty princess was my nickname for Ben. I gave it to him when we were at a party and he got mad that some guy spilt beer all over his new shirt. 

"Hey guys, when are you going to find a new singer?" I was curious to know what the guys were thinking. 

"I dunno, I guess we should get started on that, huh?" Sam said.

" Hey Cam, how bout you and me look for a singer and Sam, James look for one too?"

"Hey what about me!?" As I said, I'm the unofficial tour manager. 

"Don't worry your pretty little head over it. Why don't you get some new clothes?" James said and handed me his credit card. Now normally I wouldn't accept it, but I really needed some clothes since Ben told me I wasn't allowed to go back to Danny's and get my stuff. James also lost a drinking game to me so he owed me. 

"ugh fine." I went upstairs and changed into a white bring me the horizon shirt, black skinny jeans, and hot pink high rise vans. 

"Hey, whose car do I get? I don't have one." Sam handed me his keys. Sam drove a red Ferrari and I was the only one allowed to drive it. "Thanks babe." I always called Sam babe because it made the guys gross out. 

I first went to zumiez and bought a skateboard, a jacket, some jeans, and some shoes. I went to hot topic and bought some pink hair dye, band t-shirts, jeans, and some jewelry.  

I stopped at McDonalds and got a burger and fries. McDonald's is better when you're hungover, but its still ok sober. I opened twitter to see what fans of Asking had to say about Danny leaving.

@/maryaa: OMG Danny left? I hate Asking Alexandria now!!

@/jjdajetplane I'm glad Danny left, he was bringing asking down man.

There were more tweets than that of course, but most of them were like that. I really hope the guys find a good singer who will represent the band.

Once I got back the guys were on the phone with someone, I walk in and see that James is talking to someone. I look over at Ben who is grinning like an idiot. He catches my eye and wink and I of course blush. 

"Who are you guys talking to?"

"I think we found our new singer. We are going to fly out to where he is and try him out." I was listining to what Cam said, but I zoned out when I looked at my phone and saw a tweet from Danny.

@/DannyWorsnopWAH (I made up a handle for the story) So glad to be out of Asking. Now I don't have to see those dicks or my poor excuse for a sister.

"Syd- Sydney are you listening to me?" Cam asked me.

"Yeah. You are meeting a new band mem- HEY!" Ben took my phone from me and saw that tweet. 

"Just ignore him love, he doesn't deserve a response from us."

"I hope you're right Ben. Hey, when are you guys leaving to meet the new guy?"

"Tomorrow. Do you want to come?" Sam asked.

"Nah. I'll probably go over to Keziah's and hang out." Keziah was my only girl friend. She was the only one who was my friend before Asking got big. Once asking got big everyone wanted to be my friend, but I never really talked to anyone else. 

"Alright Love, want us to drop you off before we leave?" Ben asked

"Yeah that'd be great!" 

*Next morning*

"SYYYYDNEEYYYYY!" Keziah yelled and jumped on me. 

"Hey girl, ready for our par-tay?" I wiggled my eyebrows.

"You know it!" 

I hugged each guy bye. I got to Ben and he seemed hesitant to let me go, that's weird. I hope he's ok. It's probably just stress about the new guy. 

Ben pov:

I really wanted syd to come with us. She's like my best friend and I'm still upset over the whole Danny thing. I still can't believe that Danny was such a dick to her. I mean, she is such a great girl and someone would be lucky to have her. 

We boarded the plane to the Ukraine and landed about 7 hours later (I'm just guessing the time)

"WE HERE MOTHER FUCKAHHHHHS" James had a little too much to drink on the plane.

"Haha, lets get you some coffee man, don't want to meet the potential singer drunk now do we?" I asked.

*30 minutes later*

We got James sobered and we headed to the venue where the singer was playing. He was playing with his band, I forget the name of it cause I don't really care about it. The concert started a few minutes later. 

"Man this guy is really good!" Shouted Sam

"I know! He would be perfect for the band!" Shouted Cam.

After the performance was over, he walked towards us. 

"What did you guys think?" He had a pretty thick Ukrainian accent. 

"Oh man you were great!" Shouted James.

"Hey I'm Ben, I am the ring leader of these idiots. We'd like to offer you the position of lead singer in our band."

"This is has been my dream for years! I'd love to be a part of the Asking Family."

Well there you go. Denis Stoff is the new singer of Asking Alexandria. 

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