I've always been an extrovert. I've always hated that about myself, because now I'm realizing I fucking hate you guys.
Not all of you, just the population as a whole. You're so nosey. I'm being quite today because I'm minding my own business and I'm not a spazz all the time.
I like to be taken serious and I like being serious. I cover a lot up though so it's like a puzzle. I also like time to myself. I find I'm often trapped in my head, I have a huge head.
That has a few meanings, none that I intend to be followed by "that's what she said" but I know one of you said it by now so I thought I'd point it out.
Being immature is fun, it's fun being able to get away with it. I'm a fucking kid, it's awesome.
And sucks.
You get it, you were a kid. Or are. Who really grows up anymore.
depreciation they claim
Non-Fictiona collection of thoughts, assessments, dreams, observations, lusts, loves, unthinkables, oddities, morbidity, and dark yet comforting humor and perspective.