cinco de mayo (shit show)

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And before I knew, I was sitting in a Spanish class I'm not even enrolled in.

Fuck, I don't even speak Spanish.

I have a back bone, I swear. If you know me, you know I have a back bone.
So why the fuck can't I say no?

It's a long story, but bottom line is, I do too many favors for people. That's all.

Too many times I find I take on a lot of responsibility that I know I'm incapable and or unwilling to handle. It's not a matter of I don't say not because I'm gonna hurt their feelings but because sometimes I like being busy. Plain and simple.
I like to keep myself occupied versus burrowed in my brain, as you all know I'm so guilty of on a daily basis.
The familiarity is comforting but routine.

Sometimes you just need to march confidently into a Spanish class and answer questions clearly not directed at you.

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