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It's in times of emergency I find I get a real kick out of you guys. Panic is so, I can't put my finger on it, but it's goddamn hilarious.

Sometimes people spend so long preparing for things that will never happen, it's silly. It's also applicable in so many other parts of life.

Stop worrying, fellas. It's going to be alright.

The things nerves do to people is insane, and slightly terrifying, I find. How could you brain possibly think up such a specific scenario that had impacted you so much that you need to throw yourself into such a frazzled state?

Use your lungs a bit more and your brain a bit less. 

You do not need 10 loaves of bread. You do not need 41 packs of batteries.
Just go home, look out at the snow with a mug, and enjoy it.

Nature is dangerous but oh so beautiful. Please see her for all she shows. You think Mother Nature does not wake up every morning to put her face on like you and I? She wants to be beautiful.

Is she insecure? You complain of how she looks on her worst of days, no wonder she lashes out. Women are fragile.

She's often overlooked as a lady.

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