I want to talk about you.
I need you to remember: whatever is bugging you put right now, it's temporary. Your stress, anxiety, depression, anger, whatever, it's temporary.
You are the single most important thing in your life because as I have mentioned earlier, you get one body, one mind, for your whole life. It is so important to keep it healthy, please be healthy.
Your situation may seem dire, it may be dire, you are a stranger so my knowledge is limited, but you are forever and this is only for now.
Life is the longest thing we will ever experience, this is forever, now.
I'm not saying your problems or situation is any less important than you see it as, that's not my intention in the slightest, I'm just saying, look at your life as a whole. Put yourself in perspective, how much of your life has been completed? What percentage of your life has been identified by that one situation? Is it small? It may not be, but chances are, it will be. You are big. This is not.
There is so much more to come after you sort this out, as well. Think of the future, how vast and blank. You've got the rest of your life to live, this is gonna blow over.
It's hard to believe me when you are stuck in a rut or in a sticky situation but I wouldn't lie to you about this.
False hope is a cop out meant for horror movies and romcoms and last time I checked this was a story not a piece of garbage, am I right?
Well I hope I'm right, but think what you'd like.
Back to you, anyhow. Please believe me when I say that it's normal to get caught up in your own misfortune. After all, you are the most important one in your life, but it is selfish and cruel to burrow into sadness and make nest. Be good to yourself, why wouldn't you be?
You hate yourself? You're self conscious or insecure? Would you ignore a friend who was insecure and constantly dwell on their insecurities? So what are you doing that to yourself for. Help yourself out.
It's your time. Forever is now and forever is your time.
depreciation they claim
Документальная прозаa collection of thoughts, assessments, dreams, observations, lusts, loves, unthinkables, oddities, morbidity, and dark yet comforting humor and perspective.