I think I'm in a waiting period of my life.
It's an in between of where I want to be and what I have to finish first. I think every soon to be grad feels about the same. Dreaming of something less, monotonous.
I get up and go to class. I work out. I got to practice. I come home. Sleep if I want, then get up. And go to class.In the space between, I'm painting or writing or pretending to play an instrument or taking a bath listening to the same playlist of sad songs that remind me of winter.
I just feel like my life has become so routine. Nights like last night are good for me, I like to get out and change it up. I just want more.
I want to go out west so bad. I long especially for views. Views from cliffs of nature and trees and sky and just mountain. I want it more than anything. If I wasn't stuck here with school, I'd just go already. I'm serious, I want to just go so bad.
I live for impulsivity. I think it comes with want to be alone. If I'm alone I don't need to consider others, I can act on impulse. Tah-dah! Seems easy enough for me.
But summer, summer I can do just that. I'm going to do just that. I will go out west. I will see the Rockies. I will see Big Sky. I just have to get through this waiting period, an obligatory sentence, and that's gonna be killer.
depreciation they claim
Non-Fictiona collection of thoughts, assessments, dreams, observations, lusts, loves, unthinkables, oddities, morbidity, and dark yet comforting humor and perspective.