Chapter 2

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Mum and I are sat at the terminal hand in hand. My stomach was in knots, my hands were clammy, but this time my mind wasn't blank. Thought were running through my head. I tried not to think about John. Had he come home yet? Did he realize we weren't home or was he too wasted to even remember his name?

I shook my head, no that horrible monster doesn't deserve my tears, my thoughts, or to be worried over. I attempted to ease my anxiety by thinking happy though, and so I thought about Susan. I thought about the encouraging words she told my mum and I, I thought about the way she pulled my mum aside to give her a pep talk, I thought about the way she hugged me lovingly as if we had a history together, and finally I thought about the way she gave me hope.

The loud speakers buzzed,"Flight 251, destination Paris, France is now boarding, passengers in first class and passengers with children below the age of 18 may now board. First class and passengers with children below 18 now boarding, thank you." 

Mum and I jumped up from are seats and made our way to the boarding gates. Mum handed our tickets and passports to the lady, she gave us a nod and handed back our precious documents. "Have a nice day ladies." she said, and we were off. 

In no time we had our luggage in the compartment above us and we were relaxed in our seats."We did it mum." I said as a tear of joy escaped my eye.

"Yes, we did it y/n, we really did it."

"I love you mum."

"I love you too y/n. Now sleep my child because when you wake up a new life will await us, in Paris."

Paris, Paris Paris Paris. What a beautiful and enchanting city. 

"You are my sunshine-"

"My only sunshine." I finished and slipped away to dreamland.

AN: I am so so sorry for a short and horrible chapter. This little bit was more of a filler sorry. The original chapter didn't get saved and i lost it. The next chapter will hopefully be up in a few hours. 

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