What to do

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Hi guys

So as most of you know I have been wanting to start a Jack Frost fanfiction for a while now but I've never had the time.

I've been stuck between

* Writing chapters for my Chat Noir fic (which I won't lie to you isn't going well right now)

*School work

*And another project I think you'll like when it's released but for now my lips are sealed

Ok so the thing is recently (as in since yesterday lol) I've been wanting to start it even more and have gotten a bit of inspiration. Maybe it's because fall/ winter is coming or I don't know.

I kind of also think if I don't start it now then I won't ever because let's be honest there isn't much of a fandom for Jack Frost/ Rise of the guardians anymore/ right now. There hasn't been any new stories or fanart.

Of course though like my other story and ones in the future you don't need to know anything about the fandom to understand the story.

But it's been what 2 years? Since rise of the guardians came out and I'm afraid it might soon be forgotten.

Back to the point, what should I do?

Should I start the Jack Frost X Reader fanfic? 

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