Chapter 22 pt 1

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(A meme for my Pokémon go fans here)
ATTENTION A/N: I'm leaving on a camping trip at the beach for 4 days! I'm leaving tomorrow morning aka Thurday July 21 and won't be back until Sunday July 24 !  Details will be in the A/N at the end of this chapter concerning a few different topics.

"Are you kidding me?!"

"What?" Adrien chuckled at my expression as I took the sight of his room.

What the fuck you mean "what" this room is worth more than my house!

"Holy shit Adrien this room is huge... and is that a library." I gasped excitedly

He smiled, "Go ahead."

I grinned and raced up the stairs looking through all the books

A few seconds later i heard him walk up next to me.

"I didn't know you liked books so much y/n."

I laughed softly and put back the book I was looking at, "Sorry."

"No don't apologize. I like to read to, which explains the library." He said said flashing me a boyish grin.

"Yea, it's amazing...-your room is amazing." I said taking in all the different things in his room.

This kid has a mini basketball court in his room holy shit

"It's not so great." He mumbled, no trace of a smile left on his face.

Oh shit, his frown is our fault



"Hey hey, why the long face?" I asked softy.

"I was trapped in this room way too long y/n, it's not as great as you think it is."

I pursed my lips trying to think of something to cheer him up.


"No no y/n it's ok, we were supposed to be talking about you not me remember?" He said looking me in the eyes.

I sighed and looked away, "Adrien I'm fine ok but right now you aren't so-"

"I'll let you know what's on my mind if you let me know what's on yours. Seem fair?"

"Damn you Mr. Model." I huffed.

He pouted playfully, "Be nice mon petit chaton." he scolded.

I smiled, he no longer seemed bothered but I knew there was more to what met the eye with this boy

I turned and began descending down the stairs, walking towards the windows.It wasnt the smartest thing to do since there was a storm raging outside and the winds could break the glass pane but then i remembered that I was in the room of Adrien Agreste, top model whose father was a very protective fashion designer. Surely his mansion was weather proof?

I sat down next the the big clear window and gazed outside. Big black clouds loomed over the city, bright flashes of light occasionally struck. I could see the wind raging, stray leaves littered the air danging around urgently.

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