Chapter 8

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Gym class had just ended and I was putting on my regular clothes in the girls locker room. I was slipping on my shoes when Chloé decided to pay me a visit. "Look what we have here, the pathetic girl with a crush on pathetic little Nathanaël."

"Ah, nice to see you too Chloé." I said sarcastically.

"Dont get smart with me you little rat! I'm warning you if you didn't know already stay OUT of my way and stay AWAY from MY Adrien! I saw you being all close with him this morning, remember that you have Nathanaël and that Adrien is MINE." She yelled in my face.

"First of all you don't own Adrien, jeez leave the poor kid alone. You practically throw yourself at him but he just pushes you away, TAKE A HINT FOR GOODNESS SAKE. It's just my first day here and even I can see how desperate for his attention you are. Second of all Chloé, you don't have authority over me, I can do whatever my little heart disires and you can't do a thing about it. You may think you have power but honestly you just make yourself look big since your father's the mayor. But guess what Chloé? Your just some horribly raised girl using your father's money and supposed 'power' to make yourself known because you very well know you'd be nothing without-"

"ENOUGH!" Shouted Chloé and lunged at me. Before I could move she pushed me up against the lockers and slapped me, hard. This simple action brought back so many unwanted memories.

I gritted my teeth in anger. I really wish she hadn't done that "Is that all you got, you prissy little bitch," I snarled. Chloé's eyes widened.

I tore myself away from her grasped and picked up my stuff. All the other girls in the locker room just stared at us. Too bad Alya and Marinette were already outside. "I would hit you back Chloé but I won't sink down to your level." I said loudly and walked out.

The bell to dismiss students from their third period rang just as I walked out the door. I had no idea where my science class was so I looked frantically for anyone I knew.

"Hey y/n! Over here dude!" Shouted someone from behind. I turned to see Nino. "Since today is your first day you probably don't know where your going so I'll show you-. Woah what happened to your face?!"

I sighed, "Chloé happened, that's what. And thanks I've got to get to lab 266."

"That girl is so not cool. Are you okay? That looks like it hurts." He says gesturing me to follow him.

"Stings a bit yeah but I'm ok." I said shrugging. Actually it hurt more than a bit, who knew Chloé had some actual strength.That doesn't matter though. The little pain I feel on my cheek is absolutely nothing compared to the pain I'm feeling right now in my heart. The memories of what John did to my mother an I are now fresh in my mind.

"Alright y/n, if you say so." He says warily. "Man, and it's your first day too." We jog up the steps and he leads me around the corner. "Good luck dude." He says as we stop in front of lab 266.

"Thanks Nino." I say and open the lab door. With my free hand I untie my hair from the ponytail I put it in for gym. I let my hair fall, covering my face so the spot where Chloé hit me hopefully would be covered.

I go up to the teachers desk and introduce myself . "Good morning class, who does not have a partner today?" He says and Adrien raises his hand. "Your partner for this semester will be Adrien y/n. Welcome to the school and I hope you have a good time in science."

Of course i'd get stuck with Adrian.

I sigh and make my way over to him. The teacher begins the lesson as I take out my journal.

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