Chapter 30

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"New York fashion week !?" Marinette sputtered, clearly in the process of freaking out.

"Y-yea I know it's-"

"So let me get this straight," Alya huffed cutting me off, clearly in her own world. "He ignores you for a whole day, you guys suddenly meet at the park and chat... but he's still acting strange, he takes a sudden phone call right when he was about to explain why in the hell he'd been avoiding you and then he comes back and says you're going with him and the Agreste Modeling team to New. York. FASHION WEEK!?"

"Yeah that's...that's what happened yup," I said not even believing it myself. Sighing I brought my hand to my head, rubbing the creases of stress that formed on forehead.

"I-I literally cannot believe this," Marinette murmured staring down at her hands.

Feeling my heart drop I turned to to Marinette, fiddling with my fingers in attempts to calm my nerves.

Oh my god, this must be so hard for Marinette, I can't imagine how she must feel

We're literally going to Fashion Week with the boy she's in love with and her dream is to be a fashion designer...

Oh god...Marinette please forgive me

Glancing at Alya before I spoke our eyes met, "Marinette I- I really don't know what to say I'm so sorry I really wish I could bring you too. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better? Maybe if I talk to my mom? Yeah! She can talk to Nathalie and I could mention it to Adrien and maybe they could pull some strings-"

"Y/n," Marinette said sternly, grabbing my shoulders suddenly  and effectively stopping my rambling.


"Do not apologize for this once in a life time opportunity, if I can't go but one of my best friends can enjoy this incredible opportunity then I'm happy," she smiled.

"You serious?" I breathed out, "Y-you're not mad!?"

"Mad? Me? No no ha ha..." she said laughing nervously and waving me off.

"Mad? No, just a teeny bit jealous... probably," Alya teased, walking over to her best friend and giving her a side hug as a sign of moral support.


"What?  It's not like it isn't obvious- and besides it's ok to admit you're jealous. Like I always say, you can't learn to control your feelings unless you let yourself feel them first."

"Since when did you get so wise?" Mari teased back while hugging back her friend.


"I was just born this mature and intuitive, call it a gift if you will," Alya smiled, clearly playing along.

Huffing, I let out a whine and let myself fall back onto Alya's bed."I promise if we could switch places I'd let you Marinette. I don't even know anything about high fashion. What if I make a fool of myself in front of everyone? What if I end up ruining the show; or worse, end up ruining Adrien's performance somehow?!"

Marinette gasped. "Don't even speak those words into existence y/n!"Marinette scolded, her face in front of mine in an instant.

"Ok, both of you Need.To.Chill," Alya giggled, gently pulling me up from under Marinette and in to a sitting position.

Turning to my blue haired friend I studied her face for any signs of resentment, "Are you sure you're ok Marinette? I know how you feel about Adrien plus fashion is your calling!"

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