Chapter 20

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Marinette's POV

My teeth clenched as I watched Y/N and Adiren huddled together, chatting away. They giggled and smiled, they were too occupied to notice me staring. I groaned in frustration and looked away.

I was jealous, jealous jealous jealous.

Tikki shifted in my purse, I sighed and scooted farther back from the group.

"Marinette!" Tikki whispered

"Yes Tikki?"

"You have to stop being so jealous of y/n! She seems like a really nice person Marinette; you shouldn't carry so much resentment towards her."

"I can't help it Tikki, shes all over Adrien! "I said exasperated, surely she would understand its Adrien we're talking about after all.

"Now now Marinette, you know that's not true. Her and Adrien have bonded, they've become good friends that's all."

"That how it starts Tikki! She's stealing him away from me."

"Marinette snap out of it! Are you hearing yourself?! You have to control yourself, you know hawmoth sends akumas after people with strong negative emotions! You know Marinette, Y/n is such a nice girl. You two would be such good friends if you just-"

"Stop defending her Tikki!"

"Marinette I'm disappointed in you, I've never seen you so irrational!" Tikki said while shaking hedr head. My heart sank, she didn't understand.

"Yes yes I get it, y/n is much better than me! First  Adrien, now you Tikki." I said, tears brimming my eyes before I quickly closed my purse and went back to the group.

"Hey Marintte," Alya called, i turned to see her walking over to me.


"Uh can we uh," she said and linked our arms together, leading me away from the group.

"Whats wrong Alya?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"Girl thats what I was going to ask you." What?

"Huh, me?"

"Yeah you girl. You've been acting weird lately, don't think I haven't noticed how mean you've been towards Y/N Marinette." she said with her hands on her hips.

Oh no Alya, not you too!

"I-" I paused and groaned. "She's just been so close with Adrien I-"

"Oh Marinette your jealous aren't you."

I looked to the floor, "...yes"

Is it that obvious?

"Marinette you can't act like this all the time girl its not fair to y/n! Everyone's noticed your attitude towards her, its getting out of hand. Look, y/n is a really nice girl she-"

"Alya please! Try to understand I just..this is Adrien we're talking about you know how much i like him." I said looking into her eyes.

Alya sighed and placed both hands on my shoulders, "Marintte I know how much you like Adrien but girl being jelous isn't the way to go! Being jelous and rude to Y/N won't get his attention, i mean it would but in a bad-bad way. You don't want that do you? Besides, Y/N is a really cool girl Marinette, shes really sweet and kind we've become really good friends and i know you and her would-"

I huffed, "Fine then, side with her see if I care!" I spat and marched away.

Not only am I losing Adrien, but Alya too... whatever if they like her better than me so be it!

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