Chapter 3

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Throughout the whole taxi ride I gawked at the sights Paris had to offer. Never in my life had I seen a place look so magical.
Now mum and I stood inside the house inspecting it. Once you walked in you could see the kitchen, it had a breakfast bar, I always wanted one of those! Then to the left there was a a doorway leading to the living room, it had a tv as couch set. In between the two room was a staircase which I assumed led to the rooms.
"When did you buy this place mum?! It's so cozy and cute!"

"I didn't buy it y/n, this belonged to my aunt. She passed away a year ago and I inherited her things."

"Really?! How come I've never heard of her and how come we didn't come sooner?! Oh god, wait does John know?! Mum if he knows he'll find us!" My eyes were wide and my heart, yet again raced.

"Thats the thing honey, no one knew about my aunt I only met her three months before she died"

"Thats when-"

"Yes, it was around that time where John began to.." She trailed off not wanting to say it, I just nodded. She sighed and started again,

"Honey there's one thing you should know, I'm actually adopted. We don't have to worry about anyone tracking us down."

"So, you found your real aunt and she gave you all this?"

"Yes, I'm sorry we didn't move here earlier but I had to plan this carefully."

"Thats alright mum." I said giving her a hug. "But what about the rest of your family?" I asked quietly.

" They died in a fire when I was five." She said with a sad smile.

"It's alright though y/ n we shouldn't be talking about sad things! Let's celebrate we're in Paris!"

I giggled at my mum's positivity. "I saw a bakery nearby, maybe we could get something to eat to celebrate?" I suggested.

"Sounds like a plan!" She said grinning.

The walk to the bakery took only about 10 minutes,and that was only because of the crowd, was it rush hour? I glanced at my watch it was 2:30. I furrowed by eye brows, glancing once more at the crowd I noticed a few kids my age wearing backpack school must have just ended, that made sense.

As we opened the door to the bakery we were greeted by the mouth watering sent of freshly baked bread. Which wasn't surprising at all because this morning was a bakery.

"Welcome to the Tom and Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie! My name is Tom, what can I get for you two today?" Greeted a tall chubby man, he gave off a friendly and caring vibe.

"Hello I'm r/n (random name) and this is y/ n!" Greeted mum as we approached Tom at the counter.

"Um hi, can I get um... an order of vanilla macaroons?" I asked cautiously, I didn't know how to order them, do you tell them how many you want or is it in orders where they give you a certain amount? I've never tried macaroons either but in the picture they looked quite interesting and tasty.

Tom laughed, "would you like a drink?"

"A cup of milk please." I asked feeling heat rise to my cheeks, they don't come in orders, do they? "I-I'll go get us a table mum."

"Alright y/ n."

I sat down at a table meant for two outside the bakery and looked up at the sky. Everything looked perfect!

I sighed, I should've brought my camera my hands itched to capture this spectacular sight!

"Y/ n you ok?"

" Yeah mum I just wish I brought my camera, everything looks so amazing!"

"Good thing I know you then." Mum said as she reached into her purse, and taa-daa! Mum handed me my camera. "You can take pictures after you eat y/ n now dig in!" She said mentioning to my food.

"You're the best mum!"

AN: Hi hi! Well here is the third chapter! I'm sorry if you think this is going a bit slow but someone told me that they like it like this and I really participated that so I won't rush it. The next chapter will once again be a filler chapter but it will be short. After that drama will start.

I felt like at the beginning it was a bit confusing so let me clear it up.
Your / our mum is adopted. Her aunt she met a year ago left her, her house and belongings. The house right now was your/ our mum's aunt's vacation house so it doesn't have much decoration ,no one knew about it, and was gently used so it's like new. Also our/your mum's family died in a fire when she was 5 so her only family left was her aunt, that is now dead. Sad I know I'm sorry.

Oh and also by the way our your home is the same as Marinette's basically but instead of a shop you guys have the kitchen and living room down there.

See you all later!!


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