Chapter 23 pt 2/2

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IMPORTANT A/N at the end of the chapter

My breath hitched

I watched the boy

I watched him cry

I watched him tug at his hair

I watched him bang his head on the leg of the Eiffel Tower,

to the point where I feared he would hurt himself

It pained me to see another being cry the way he did.

It really did

With such anguish



So I got up,

I couldn't stand to see him like this, it wasn't right

My legs seem to work again as I found myself getting up and walking to him.

I stopped in front of him, he seemed to have felt my presence as his head snapped towards me.

His cat ears were dropped along with his tail, his expression sullen. Tears ran down his cheeks.

But his eyes

His bright green eyes that had shown so brightly with playful mischief and happiness when I had met him at the school were now dull.

They say the eyes are the window to the soul, that you could tell almost anything by looking at someone's eyes...and it was true.

I saw the pain in his eyes, I saw the despair, misery, and dejection.

And I could tell, he saw the hurt in my eyes too.

I stepped forward cautiously, and when he showed no sign of discomfort I embraced his slender frame in my arms.

At first, it was a gentle hold, afraid if I were to hold him tight he would crumble. Soon  his grip on me tightened as his sobs got louder. We both sunk to our knees holding each other tight. His face buried in my chest while mine lay protectively over his shoulder his hair caressing my cheeks, and I cried. I cried for mum,  I cried for me, I cried for the father I never met nor had, I cried for the betrayal I felt, and I cried for the heartbroken boy in my arms.

The sound of our desperate cries were drowned out by the sound of the sky's own crying. The rain poured on our fragile bodies under the Eiffel tower. While the powerful booms of thunder resonated around us.

The boy in my arms held me tight, sobbing shamelessly while I too held him protectively shedding tears of my own on his black suit.

"My lady..." He cried "she h-hates me now, but all...-" he paused continuing to cry as I rubbed her back soothingly. "-all I can do is love her."

I didn't know what to say, so I didn't speak at all. I continued to hold him, giving him the sense of comfort he needed.

He held me desperately, desperate for support, desperate for comfort, desperate for something to hold on to.

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