Chapter 27 2/2

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Normally Nathanaël and I would meet at the park to walk to school together like we did when I first moved here.

I wasn't sure if I would see him but I still hoped I would. That way I could talk to him before school and withought everyone else listening in on us.

As I neared the park where I hoped to find Nathanaël passing by, even though there was a slim chance I would bump into him since I'm sure he would be trying to avoid me . Still, I crossed my fingers and searched for his red hair.

My heart sped up when I actually did see him and I prayed he wouldn't see me as I tried sneaking up on him so I had a better chance to speak to him.

I took a deep breath before I spoke "Nathanaël?"

The poor boy jumped at the sound of my voice and imediatly turned to face me. His eyes widened and the grip on his papers visibly tightened. "Y/n?" He asked afraid.

I bit my lip, "I- Look I..." I sighed searching for the right words to say.

" I'm so so sorry ," he choked out, "I didn't mean for that to happen I never wanted to hurt you y/n please believe me I'm sorry. I understand if you're don't wish to speak to me again... I wouldn't either." He rushed out before I could get another word in.

I blinked in surspirse, " Actually, I wanted to um apologize for lashing out on you like that. Its just, trusting people isn't my forte and when you told me I just,"

"I'm so sorry" he said again looking down.

"I forgive you,",I said gently "and I hope you can forgive me too."


I nodded, "Really."

"You shouldn't be apologizing y/n, i- I know you've been through a lot and it was only normal for you to react like that."

I sucked in a breath,"W-who told-"

"No no no! Don't worry I don't know anything you wouldn't want me to, I wasn't told anything. I can see it y/n you've got more to you than the average girl. You've got a story that's much more complicated than any of us. You remind me of Adrian." He said gently "the two of you have experienced things none of us have ever thought of and I respect you for that."

We've underestimated our friends, even though we haven't told them what we've been through or what we're going through they can tell.

Or at least Nathanaël can

I nodded and bit my lip out of habit.
I let out a breath I'd been holding in, "Friends?"

He smiled, "Definitely , now we need to hurry up we have 5 minutes to get to school."

"Well shit," I cursed and started speed walking alongside of Nathanaël.

Hey, I'll probably delete this chapter later and continue from here. I don't know where this book is going now which means I need to sit down and plan out the plot again. I don't want to be one of those authors that drags the story out as long as they can so this book might be nearing an end but I'm not sure yet .

I hope you all have been well

I love you my little marshmallows <3


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