Chapter 29

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Y/n's Pov

"Oof," I muttered softly as I landed on my bum.

This is what I get for being so distracted, I scolded myself mentally.

Looking down at my lap embarrassed, a light blush tainting my cheeks, '' Oh gosh, I'm so sorry it was my fault I-'

"No no it's my fault, I'm so sorry I-' at the sound of his voice I relaxed my shoulders, thankful for the fact the person I had bumped into wasn't upset with me.

"Wasn't paying attention," we both stated sheepishly.

I Lifted my head, ''Adrien?'' I asked cocking my head, as I tried analyzing the boy in front of me.

On cue, Adrien lifted the hand that had covered his face embarrassedly and moved his head toward me, his mouth forming a small 'o' as he realized it was me he had run into. "Hey y/n," he smiled bashfully, "Fancy seeing you here."

My shocked expression quickly changed to match his, looks like I wasn't the only one embarrassed I thought smiling softly.

Seems we both are a couple of bashful dorks

Adrien's jumped to his feet in a flash, his gentlemanly persona seemed to kick in as he held out his hand to help me up. his signature lopsided grin adorning his face. I thanked him softly as his larger hands grasped mine and ever so gently pulled me up. "You ok? I'm really sorry I don't know what got into me. My minds been running a mile a minute and I got distracted."

"I'm fine, don't worry. I got distracted with my own thoughts too,' i smiled. looking up at him my smile faltered as i noticed the sad look in his eyes. 'Guess we're both just a couple of distrait teens with our heads stuck in the clouds huh?" I joked, sighing dramatically.

Watching as Adrien laughed softly. His tense demeanor dropping significantly, I smiled at the small victory.

Whatever was on his mind had to be significant; Adrien had a way of always being positive and cheerful so seeing him so affected made me worry for what possibly could have happened.

Although I wanted to ask what was up with him at school today I was sure he had a real reason to be ignoring me. Acknowledging that Adrien most likely was out for a wLk to be alone with his thoughts I decided to ease his mind instead.

"Walk with me?" I asked softly looking into his tired eyes .

"I'd love to," he smiled, falling into step with me.

As we walked admiring the flora of the quaint park trail I mulled over what could be affecting Adrien. My first thought went to the high probability that Gabriel Agreste's behavior had to do with it. Yet, I had a feeling whatever situation Adrien had found himself in was something frustrating rather than painful. Obvious signs of frustration such as his messy hair, tense shoulders, and the manner in which his hands were stuffed deep into his pockets led me to believe so.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Adrien's voice mused. Although his voice was soft, I couldn't help but jumped at the sudden sound. I had been so entranced by the sun peaking through the leaves of the trees above that everything else had seemingly faded away.

Internally cringing at my reaction I offered Adrien a sheepish smile, ''oh, well, um...''

"S-Sorry," Adrien rushed out, "I didn't mean to startle you, I-"

"No no, sorry I just... was lost in thought ," I reassured. ''I tend to do that alot.''

"Are you sure?'' he questioned gently, '' I dont mean to pry but you seem more... pensive, than usual. If somethings bothering you, you can always talk to me you know,'' his tone shifting to one much more serious while he looked at me; genuine concern lacing his features. I offered him a weak smile as I thought back to Chat Noir; our fight still fresh in my mind.

''Well,'' I started hesitantly, trying to formulate how I was to explain to him the fight I had with Chat without revealing too much. ''I have this friend, and we uh, we recently got into a fight.''

''A fight?'' He asked worriedly.

''Well more of like a misunderstanding but, I said some things that I think really hurt him. I got emotional and got upset over things he didn't know would offend me when he was just trying to look out for me. I can't really stop thinking about what happened," I sighed.
Chuckling bitterly, I ran a hand through my hair and thought back to today's school day. I could barely focus on anything because of my fight with Chat. My mind was occupied with scenarios in which I could have handled the situation better, " I've kinda been beating myself about it all day actually. I was so...
so mean to him when I knew he was already hurting."

"I'm sure he'll understand if you apologize," Adrien offered, "I think now it's best to explain the misunderstanding and why you acted that way. He may be hurt by what you said but a true friend would understand where your coming from," he said offering me a smile of reassurance.

"I hope he'll even let me apologize," I muttered.
It wasn't like I could see Chat Noir whenever I pleased.

I would have to wait until he decides to visit me

Which may never happen again seeing as we were so rude to him

"Cheer up y/n, I'm sure your friend is looking to clear up the misunderstanding too. He's probably spent the day moping around too. Besides, who could stay mad at someone like you for long?" He smiled.

Adrien's sudden words brought a light blush to my cheeks making me curse inwardly.

Stupid innocent model boy doesn't even know the effect kind words and a face like his can have on a poor girl like me

"What's that supposed to mean?" I pouted feeling as though he was teasing me.

"Nothing, just that you have one of those personalities, no one can stay mad at you long before they stay to miss talking to you, ya know?"

"Well I sure hope so, today at school I was beginning to think you were going to avoid me all week."

Adrien's confident smile was quickly replaced by his signature sheepish grin, "What do you mean?" He chuckled nervously.

Deciding that since Adrien was out of his funk it was ok to push for some answers as to why he had been actively ignoring me all day.

"Well let's see...Science class You managed to switch seats with Juleka even though you know Rose and her are together, English you switched me as your partner with Alya claiming you hadn't talked to Nino in "aaages" even though you two literally were partnered up yesturday, and finally in film class-"

"Ok ok, I see your point," he said clearly embarrassed. "Well... you see I um... have a surprise for you! Yea, and I didn't trust myself to not blurt it at school since it's such a cool surprise and that's why I was kind of avoiding you."

"A surprise? What surprise?"

"Well if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise anymore!"

Just as I was about to press him about it further the sound of Adrien's phone ringing cut me off. Adrien excused himself politely to take the call and in the meantime I sat myself down on a nearby bench, something about his "surprise" explanation was suspicious.

"Good news y/n!" Adrien called excitedly as he jogged back in front of me, his demeanor had changed dramatically.

"What is it?"

A beaming grin now adorned Adrien's face while his body was practically buzzing with excitement, I had never seen him so animated.
"Father said your mother is now part of his staff for the show at New York Fashion week, and that you'll be accompanying us as well!"

Authors note
Please enjoy the tumblr post above that accurately describes our situation....

I'm literally so sorry like this chapter was supposed to be finished and up back in April I have no idea what happened oh my gosh I'm so sorry this was such a trash chapter please forgive me.

Ah, Im so sorry!!

Thanks for putting up with me lovely people

~Angela ❤️ 🐞

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