Chapter 6

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Ugh what time is it? I opened my eyes and lifted my head up. I was sprawled on the couch in the same position I was last night when me and mum were watching the movie.
I must've fallen asleep.

"Good morning love." Mum called from the kitchen.

"G'morning mum." I said stretching. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes while as I made my way to the kitchen. "Whats for breakfast?"

"French toast and scrambled eggs." She said passing me my plate.

"Thanks mum." I got up and went to the fridge for some orange juice when I tripped over my own feet. Wow I'm so graceful. I thought getting up and continued my mission.

Mum chuckled. "Be careful y/ n!"

"I know, I know". I mumbled.

"Hey at least you beat your personal score of consecutive days without being clumsy!" She chuckled.

"Its not my fault I'm clumsy it just happens!" I said a bit embarrassed.

"I know honey, now eat your breakfast. Have you forgotten? Today you have the whole day to explore Paris!"

Oh yeah! I completely forgot!

I smiled and finished up my food and put my plate in the dishwasher. "Thanks mum it was really good."

"Your welcome y/n, now go get ready."

I nodded and jogged upstairs to my bedroom. I opened my clothing drawer and picked out a simple outfit. It felt warm out so I picked out a pair of dark blue denim shorts, a black crop top/ t shirt with a daisy in it. I grabbed a towel and went to the bathroom to run a nice warm shower.

After an internal debate in whether I should just stay in the shower all day or get out and finally go explore Paris, I stepped out of the shower and proceeded to do my normal after shower routine.

After I was dressed, my hair was dryed and back in its natural beach waves, I stepped into my black vans and slipped my professional photography camera around my neck. I checked my reflection in my full length mirror. Wow, I look...not like a zombie, when I try.(What we/you were trying to say was you looked fabulous)

I jogged downstairs to see mum reading the newspaper. "Anything interesting mum?"

She looked up and smiled, "you look so cute y/n!"

"Thank mum," I blushed.

"I was looking at jobs on here. So far I found two good ones, one would be as a cashier / waitress at the bakery across the street 'Tom and Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie' I think it was called. It's really close but the pay isn't too well, it's fair but not very high. Another is being a housekeeper at the 'Agreste' mansion. It has a very high pay but it's not as close as the bakery...hmm"

"Do what you want to do mum, either one is alright with me. Just be sure you like the job before you take it alright?"

"Alright y/n, sometimes it's like your the mum around here!" She laughed. "Now shoo shoo go and explore!"

I kissed her cheek and smiled. "Bye mum," I called as I closed the door.

I walked the streets aimlessly, stopping to take a picture of a few things here and there. Although, I did get a fabulous shot of the Eiffel tower. A few minutes later I saw a park in the distance and started jogging towards it.

This is fantastic! I stopped and stood at an angle zooming in on the fountain in the middle of the park. My finger was about to press the button to take a picture but I noticed something strange was happening. A red headed boy was jumping, trying to get something. I moved my camera to the left a bit and saw a blonde girl waving something over the fountain. Was it..a book? She's going to drop his book in the water and ruin it! I gasped.

I ran towards the two. I slipped off my camera and shoes, I looked around and saw a bush; I dumped my things behind it and stealthily creeper to the two.

"Give it back Chloé!!" Yelled the red head desperately. So her names Chloé is it.

"You wish Nathanaël, you little peasant!" She cackled and threw the book behind her.

"I'll be taking that thank you very much." I said and dove for the book. I caught it just in time. Success! The book wasn't wet at all, I wish I could say the same for myself but...

Chloé and Nathanaël gasped. "YOU LITTLE- UGH!" She looked furious. She then replaced her hulk-mad face with a smirk. She then whipped out her phone and took a picture of me soaking wet holding Nathanaël's book over my head. "Wait till everyone sees this!" She says and storms off. Oh no!

I sigh,what's done is done and I'm quite proud of what I did. "I believe this belonged to you." I said holding out the book to Nathanaël, but instead he completely ignored it and hugged me.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!! That was incredible! I can't believe you- And you don't even know me- I can't thank you enough!" He rambled.

I blushed and smiled. "I- it wasn't that big of a deal." I said.

"Not that big of a deal?! Not that big of a deal?! That was awesome!" Said a voice behind me. I turned around to see a girl with wavy Auburn hair jogging towards us with her phone stretched out in front of her. "Here we have a closer view of this..this..-"

"Heroe!" Cut in Nathanaël.

"Aw come on guys I just stopped his book from getting wet! It's not a huge thing, and uh- who are you talking to um-"

"Alya, my name's Alya." She pulled me closer to her and switched the camera so it was facing us. " Hi folks I'm here with-"

"Y/n" I said shyly.

"I'm here with y/ n and Nathanaël-" she said pulling him next to me. "- and hopefully they'll let me interviewer then on what just happened. So Nathanaël what was Chloé doing?"

"She stole my sketch book and threatened to throw it in the fountain becaus I wouldn't do her homework." He said rubbing his neck.

"Thats awful!" I frowned.

" It sure is, that's how Chloé is. Now y/ n tell us what you did."

"I uh- I came here to take pictures but when I zoomed in on the fountain I saw what Nathanaël described and uh- decided to help." I said fiddling with my fingers. Alya 'aaw'ed and Nathanaël blushed.

"How come we haven't seen you before y/ n" Alta asked.

"I just moved her yesterday." I shrugged.

Alya's phone beeped, "Looks like that's all we have time for folks-"

"Wait! Now that you all know what happened, you know the story behind the picture Chloé sent you all, so you all have no reason to make fun of her!" Nathanaël said to her phone.

"Thats right folks! Bye until next time." Alya said ending her video.

"I'm going to head home now guys nice to meet you both." I said.

"Wait!" I felt Somethigng being draped over my shoulder. I turned around, Nathanaël was blushing. "You need this more than I do." He said giving me a cute smile.

"Thanks" I blushed and slipped my arms through his gray sweater. "Bye!" I said jogging over t know the Bush where my stuff was. I grabbed them and carried them walking home. Well today sure was eventful.

Hi! I hope you guys liked it!
We had a moment with Nathanaël guys, please don't kill me 😅. Nathanaël is such a cute little marshmallow. (By the way if you don't know who Nathanaël is he appears in the episode called 'Evillustrator' if you haven't seen it yet check it out it's really good! One of my favorites actually.

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Until the next chapter.

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