Chapter 22 pt 2

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Andrien/ Chat Noir's pov

oh god oh god oh god

I get to see my lady again. it's two weeks since we last saw each other at the school and about three weeks since the akuma attack on Valentine's day We hadn't talked much in our last battle. She seemed deep in thought and disappeared immediately after she purified the akuma. I was growing desperate to see my beautiful ladybug again.

After making sure was safely hidden in my bathroom i ran up the stairs and flung open the door that led to my closet.

Ever since the Dark cupid  incident on Valentine's Day alive been thinking about how close I was to tell Ladybug that I love her.

Another this is I still constantly think of the letter someone sent me answering the poem I threw away in English class.

Maybe it was a coincidence?

No but is was exactly the same as my poem.

That would mean ladybug goes to my school!

Perhaps is even in the same English class as me...

Maybe I know her!

I groaned at my optimistic lovesick thoughts

Plagg told me to just forget about it for now.

And I did, for a little while. But now all these thoughts and emotions have been eating me up these past two weeks; ever since I saw her again.

Who was  she? Who was ladybug?

When will I be able to tell her that I love her, that I'm IN love with her?

Will she reject me?

Does she have a boyfriend?

Or maybe she bats for the other team?!

"Just tell her already!!" Shouted plagg snapping me out of my whirlwind of thoughts. "You've been moping around these past two weeks Adrien! It's all ladubug ladybug oh ladybug!"

"It's not that easily plagg." I groaned sliding down against the wall.

"I can't believe you! Just grab her by the hand and tell her to meet you at the Eiffel Tower after she recharges and tell her then!"

"But what if-"

"Honestly Adrien you need to man up or else someone might beat you to it." He huffed.

"I'd love to do that Plagg but-"

"Ok you know what?! Don't tell her. Just watch her fall in love with someone else. Watch her get married one day to someone else , watch her slip through your privileged white boy fingers right before your eyes. And guess what?! You'll forever beat yourself up about it because you never told her how you felt!"

"'re right, I...I need to tell her."


My heart raced and my palms began to feel sweaty. I'm finally going to tell my ladybug I love her.

"Plagg claws out!"


"Ladybug catch!" I yelled tossing Munipula's glasses to her.

As usual m'lady caught it gracefully and broke them in half.

She then purified the akuma and tossed her lucky charm in the air.

"Miraculous Ladybug!" I grinned as her magic returned everything beach to normal. Ladybug then turned to me, "good job chat" she praised as we fist bumped.

"Ah m'lady it should be me thanking you, eye can see clearly know that the rain is gone." I smirked.

"Ugh chat seriously stop with the puns. You better go, you've got one paw left." She chat-ised as my miraculous beeped.

I took a deep breath, "Before I go m'lady please listen." I rushed out, "meet me at the Eiffel Tower in half an hour!"

"But chat-" I didn't give her a chance to turn me down for I fled once the words left my mouth.

I used my baton to quickly arrive back to my room.

"Where's my cheese?" Plagg complained.

I rolled my eyes and turned to see the bathroom door wide open.

My eyes widened, luckily Plagg got the memo and hid in the pocket of my shirt. "Y/N where are you?" I called.

"You just missed her," Said a familiar voice. I spun around to see Natalie at my doorway looking down at her tablet. "She left with her mother once the rain cleared."

"Oh, alright thank you."

Natalie nodded and left.

"I hope she didn't see us"

"She didn't" plagg said going into the mini fridge and getting some of his disgusting Camembert.

"Hurry up and finish your cheese we have to go!"

"Chill out you told her to meet you in half an hour." He replied boredly.

"I can't possibly keep my lady waiting." I grinned. "Now, plagg claws out!"
I yelled and jumped out onto the rooftops to the Eiffel Tower to wait for my beautiful Ladybug.


lmao Plagg is a savage

How was it?!

Chat noir and Adrien were totally OOC weren't they?! Crap I know it sucked

I also know it was short but don't worry you're not ready for what's about to go down.



How are you guys?

How was your day?

Any news?

I missed talking to you guys

QOTD: What's a random fact about you you'd like to share to me?

AA: im 5'2.5 ft tall

Bye my little marshmallows❤️

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