Chapter 26

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Y/n's POV

     After handing alya the remote the rest of us began getting comfy in our usual spots in the lounge.

Where I was currently sat was Adrian's spot. So, I grabbed my blanket and got comfy below it.

Its been like this since day one, alya and nino on the two seater, Marinette on the arm chair, Adrian on the love seat, and Nathaniël and I on the plush carpet below Adrian seat.

Believe me, I tried getting Nathanaël my beanbag chair from my room but he thought the soft carpet was Comfier than the seats. As for me, I didn't want to make my guests sit on the floor so I just chose the carpet, the rug was extremely soft anyway so its still comfy.

As I sat down and wrapped my pillow around me Alya broke the silence. "Y/n what the hell are you doing girl?!" 

"Nothing?" I said confused looking at Alya who was giving me her signature "explain" look.

"What are you doing on the floor y/n!? Go back to where you were sitting you're sick for goodness sake!"

I giggled at Alya's motherly behavior, "No no its fine, im comfy, plus that's Adrian's spot."

"What about me?" Asked Adrian ad he walked in barely balancing  five medium sized bowls of popcorn in his arms.

"Here let me help," Marinette and I said at the same time. The only difference was she was already grabbing the bowls of popcorn from Adrian. I brushed it off and sat back down.

"Y/n refuses to sit on the loveseat." Alya told Adrian. "Help me get her off the floor."

Adrian chuckled and shook his head, "What are we going to do with you y/n." As he and Alya made their way towards me.

"Well I'll tell you one thing, you sure as hell aren't going to move me from here." I stated confidentally , crossing my arms, and  smirking up at the two while Mari and Nino watched amused.

"Oh yea?" Chuckled Adrien.

"Mhm" I hummed in response.

Suddenly Adrien scooped me up- blanket and all, and placed me on the love seat effortlessly. "W- hey!" I objected.

Alya and Nino laughed at my reaction.

"Looks like you were wrong ché-" he paused and cleared his throat "looks like you were wrong y/n " he teased and sat down where I was just a few seconds ago.

"No come on Adrian now I feel bad!"

"You are not going back to the floor Missy!" Interjected Alya before going back to looking for a movie and  snuggling with Nino.

"Its fine y/n I'm perfectly-". Adrian paused and began sneezing mid- sentence.

"Thats it, you too Adrian go sit with y/n on the loveseat."


" Ah nope, get your ass on that seat." Alya stated firmly.

I giggled, "Haha" I teased Adrian.

"Jokes on you I take up the whole seat," he joked before sprawling himself across the seat squishing me in the process.

"Adrian!" I protesting and threw a handful of popcorn at him. He chuckled and flicked a popcorn at me as I shook my head.

"You've been so ...playful and layed back dude." Nino smiled, "I'm proud of you."

I look at Adrian who currently had his head propped up by my side. A light blush dusted his cheeks. "I guys really helped me. I'm really comfortable around you guys so um.." He rambled.

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