Chapter 31

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"Five more minutes please," I moaned tiredly, shoving a pillow over my head in hopes of drowning out the sound of my alarm.

"Y/n? Good morning hon, you up?" Mum called from down the hall. Before I knew it she opened the door and peaked in, "I knew it. Come on now, we don't want to be late. We have to leave the house at 5:40 to be at the Agreste mansion before 6 am. Up and at 'em honey, let's go."
I groaned in protest before sitting up in a huff.

"I know you're tired. Just remember, the faster you get ready and we leave, the faster you can sleep on the flight to New York."

"Alright, alright," I sighed, pulling my blankets closer as I shivered.

"That's my girl. Now, make sure to wear something comfy. The flight lasts about 7 hours."

"7 hours?!" I whined, "You must be joking."

"I don't like it any more than you do, at least you'll be with Adrien the whole time. Now, get dressed we don't want to be late!" Mum said, before walking out and closing the door.

The sound of mums showing running lured me out of bed, "Better shower too before all the hot waters gone."

Grabbing the clothes I had laid out the night before I dragged myself into my bathroom. Relishing in the blessed heat of the water protecting me from this morning's especially cold air, I thought back to the conversation I had yesterday with a Marinette and Alya.

Ah no! Stop thinking of that!

Color rushed to my cheeks as I recalled Alya accusing me of having a crush on Adrien.

No, I scolded myself, that's enough of that before going back to shampooing my hair.

If we don't care for Adrien romantically at all, then why are we taking such extra care to smell nice?

"Gah, never-mind that!" I mumbled to myself, "Who doesn't want to smell nice! Yeah, plus if I'm sitting next to him, or anyone else, for 7 hours, I don't want to smell bad now do I?"

After my shower routine was thoroughly completed, I changed into the clothes I had set out and started on my (hair and makeup/ hair routine).

I wonder what Adrien's favorite scent is... Chat Noir's too for that matter.

After that sudden thought slipped from lord knows where in my deep sub-conscience, I paused. Putting down my hairbrush I hung my head, eyes wide.

"What the hell is wrong with me."

Not only am I thinking of Adrien, but Chat Noir too?!

Deep breaths, deep breaths

"Ok, ok, back to getting ready." I huffed before going back to drying my hair.

I wonder what New York is like...

I wonder what Chat Noir is doing right now...

I hope we get to wear all of Mari's creations

I wonder if Adrien is nervous I-

For fuck's sake worry about us first not boys


"Y/n! We need to be out of the house in 10 minutes, are you ready yet?" Mum's voice shook me out of thought.

"H-huh? Damn, I'm still half asleep, must've zoned out," I muttered to myself, slapping my cheeks gently to try and wake myself up a bit. "I'll be down in a bit, just finishing up!" I called back to her. Cursing under my breath I hurriedly began doing (some light makeup/ my quick skincare routine).

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2020 ⏰

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