Chapter 16

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The sun was out and a gentle breeze occasionally swept by making it the perfect temperature to have a little walk. The birds chirped and every now and then there was a faint shriek of delight and laughter cause by the children.

We had all just exited from a quaint ice cream parlor and had now begun to walk towards the Eiffel Tower. I let out a quiet and content sigh as we walked leisurely through the calm Parisian streets. It was a silent agreement that we all just quietly enjoy and savor this moment, not one of us made much noise as we ate our ice cream. I had insisted on paying but Adrien immediately dismissed the idea as well as everyone else's attempts to pay for themselves. He then calmly pulled out a gold credit card and handed it to the cashier.

As we got nearer I began growing more excited.

It's so beautiful and peaceful

I could so get used to this

Soon we were in the plaza in front of the Eiffel Tower. I marveled at the sight, it was truly magnificent.

"We'll go on then y/n, do your thing." Whispered Nino.

I nodded excitedly and turned to hand someone my unfinished ice cream. Adrien chuckled and took it from me. I quickly turned on my camera and looked for what I deemed the best angle. I stepped back and took in the sight. I ran to and fro taking pictures of the Eiffel Tower as well as a few shots of Nino and Alya and the cafés that bordered the Eiffel Tower. A young couple, probably only about 4 years older than I were being incredibly adorable near the middle of the plaza.

Should I...?

Oh just do it

Oh my gosh they are adorable

I followed the couple and took many pictures of them as they seemed to pose every few minutes. They would go by the tower, the fountain, the middle of the plaza, and even sat down on the tables outside of the café for a few minutes. For what I decided would be my final picture of the two I got up on a chair out side one of the cafés and took a picture of them from above. Before they could disappear I ran to them. "Wait! Sir, madam hold on!" I yelled chasing after them. They didn't seem to notice me yelling at them and almost disappeared into the sea of people if they hadn't stopped for a kiss. "Er... Um excuse me." I said once the broke apart. They looked at me with gentle but bewildered expressions.

"Yes little lady? How can we help you?" Asked the boy kindly.

"I'm terribly sorry to interrupt but uh..." What if they think I'm weird I thought but continued anyway. "You see I well, I'm a photographer, not a professional one obviously but you two caught my attention and well I couldn't help myself but take pictures of the two of you, your both a absolutely adorable together." I said blushing, "But uh- I do realize that taking pictures of you two without your consent is wrong and I would like to know if you would like to see them and possibly...uh- let me keep them?" I asked blushing profusely. They both looked at me in shock. "O-of course you two have the right to demand me to delete them immediately I understand if-"

"Oh no no no no no!" Said the girl quickly. "No sweetie please, let us see them. "

I took off my camera and showed them the previous shots I took of them, to say the least; they were utterly shocked.
Crud they didn't like them


" I know I know-" I said worriedly, "they aren't that good, are they?"

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