Chapter 28

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Recap of the previous few chapters:
Y/n and Chat Noir have seen each other during heartbreak and have subsequently bonded. After taking care of y/n the day after the night at the Eiffel Tower, he decides to visit her again and check up on how's she's doing. He asks about what caused her to be so upset that night. Not ready to unload all her baggage about feeling betrayed and why it affected her so much, she decides on telling him that it was because of a boy that had broken her heart. Chat Noir feels protective of y/n and when he finds out she has forgiven said boy he's furious; even he is confused at his sudden irrationality. The two get into a heated argument and y/n ends up telling Chat the real reason she was so upset. The two have a moment and there is a misunderstanding. Chat is deeply affected by what y/n has told him about her past and promises her that he will always protect her yet y/n is still shaken up and asks Chat to leave.

(Tbh you guys should probably just go back and read chapter 26 and the first part of chapter 27 lol, the scenes are pretty juicy :)) )

YN's Mom POV

"Good morning Ms. L/N," Mr. Agreste said sternly, sitting at his desk and watching me closely as I walked in to his office.

"Good morning sir," I nodded politely. He gestured to the seat in front of him so I sat down and clasped my hands neatly on my lap. "Natalie said you needed to speak to me, sir?" I took the opportunity to look at him closely, something about him was different. His usually dull eyes now held a certain spark, and it seemed as if his mind was in a different place.

He nodded, "Yes, as you may have noticed, I along with Natalie have been extremely busy. There have been numerous meetings in the past few weeks."

I nodded, it was true. There had been many businessmen and women in and out of here recently. Poor Natalie has been running around like a headless duck trying to juggle her increased amount of duties while catering to Mr. Agreste's unexpected demands.

In fact, the whole staff has been working non stop. I had been taking on all of the less important everyday errands as I normally do when Natalie has more important topics to attend to. However, this time, my ability to adapt to certain situations was put to the test on numerous occasions.

After the fashion show where the infamous Audrey Bourgeois was akumatized into Style Queen, all the news talked about was how a celebrity like Mrs.Bourgeois was akumatizes. The news seemed to completely ignore the actual clothing that was debuted on the runway which inevitably affected Mr. Agreste's business. While Mr. Agreste's clothing line does well enough , the sales did not reach his company's goals and therefore was deemed a disaster. In addition, now that the world has seen Mr. Agreste attending things such as fashion shows again we have gotten numerous invitations from designers and celebrities all around the world asking for Mr. Agreste to attend their events.

"Well Ms.L/N as time has progressed it has become clear that you have become a vital help to Natalie. After discussing this topic with her it has come to my attention that you have been fulfilling duties that were not specified in your original job, correct Ms. L/N ?"

My posture stiffened as I imagined the worst. Getting fired.

I responded with a curt nod, "Yes sir its true, but you see I-"

"Ms. L/N please let me finish, the conclusion that Natalie and I came to was that it is not right for you to continue completing all these extra errands without a raise. I have thought it over and I would also very much like it if you could accompany us to the event we have been preparing so carefully for, the New York fashion week fashion show. You would be a part of my team, we would leave tomorrow and come back in 2 weeks seeing as I have meetings with other fashion designers the week after. Your job would be to assist Natalie which i'm sure you can manage seeing as you do it already."

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