Chapter 11

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Chop sticks.

My arch nemesis




oh whatever...

You see I've never been good with chopsticks.

No youtube video, step by step pictures, books, or waiter/ waitress could teach me how to use chopsticks properly.

My eyes widened as I realized what mum was going to do.

"Welcome everyone and I hope you all like dumplings. I've made both meat and vegetarian ones, just in case."



"I love dumplings!"

"Looks delish!"

"This all looks wonderful, thankyou!"

"Oh you all are too sweet." she gushed. "Anyway, If you haven't noticed only chopsticks have been set out, this is because I challenge you all to a friendly competition." Oh god no "First person to fail at an attempt to pick up a dumpling with their chopsticks loses. The game will continue until only one person is left remaining. Do you guys accept?" she asked smirking.



"Yes!" they said simultaneously.

Well that wan't at ALL creepy


"Oh no." I whispered.

"Great!" said mum"Now, may the odds be ever in your favor. Let the games, Begin!"

Omg mum pls

Oh god

I waited for everyone to get their dumplings, once everyone was focused on their food and their conversations I quickly grabbed four dumplings with my hand and placed them on my plate.

Ok,ok thank god, no one noticed

Damn straight they didn't, we were slick

Yeah, yeah let's just focus on trying to get this dumpling in my mouth.

I sighed and poured some sauce in the little sauce bowl thingys.

Just stick the chopstick in the dumpling and stuff it in your mouth before anyone can notice!

Yeah but mums starting to randomly look up to see if anyone is cheating or some bizz, its kinda creepy

Just stick it in there no one will know!



Thats what she said

The voices in my head started laughing, and I fought back a giggle in real life. The more time that had passed the funnier it seemed. I quickly stuck my chopstick in my dumpling and brought it to my mouth.

I couldn't take it anymore, I burst out laughing causing everyone to pause their current conversations and stare at me weirdly. Suddenly I felt the weight on my chopsticks shift adn disappear.



The dumpling fell of my chopstick and landed right in my sauce bowl causing it to splash on my face.

I looked up and saw the surprised and amused looks on everyone's face.

My cheeks burned. "Oh did you hear that?" I said cupping a hand around my ear. "It was the sound of my embarrassment skyrocketing."

The room was soon filled with the laugh of my friends and family, I soon too joined in.

"Chopsticks: 24, Y/n: 0." said mum between giggles.

This fueled our laughter

And I, was happy.

This feels nice

Very nice

Hi! Sorry for this short chapter. I don't really like it, do you? I might change it.

Anyway bye guys! I hope you have/ had an amazing day! <3

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