Chapter Twenty-Five/"I'll Wait For You Until The Day I Die."

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He pulls himself closer to me and i can feel his heartbeat getting faster as I rake my fingers through his hair, gasping for air. 

Every fiber in my body is telling me to pull away and tell him what I did with Max today, but just as I'm going to he smiles under our kiss, making me fall in love even more. 

He's happy that we're kissing: it's not just me that likes it, he does too. 

Every bad thing that I have ever done behind his back magically disappears and I press my body against him feeling his erection through his pants. 

I start to sweat as I think about what might happen after we have sex, what he might ask me, if he might think that we're dating. 

Max would ruin that. 

Max would ruin everything, but yet again I feel drawn to him because of the danger and the thought that it wouldn't be right. 

What have I become?  

Hunter pulls me towards his bed and the thought of actually doing this, freaks me out and I put my hands on his chest to start pulling away, but something stops me. 

The thought of being something for someone and not just a play thing to call when you want sex or a pretty face to get distracted by. 

And as I open my eyes to start pulling away from him, my eyes settle on a picture of me on his nightstand. 

It's nothing creepy, it's just a picture of me sitting on a beach at the old park we used to hang out at all the time. 

I'm laughing in the picture, my eyes are closed and my face is all scrunched up.

To me, I look disgusting in every way. 

I mean, my nostrils are flared, my face is all small and my mouth is open because I'm laughing. 

Ladies and gentleman I think we have finally found proof of extra terrestrial life. 

I pull away from Hunter and grab the picture from his nightstand, looking at it more closely and smiling at him. 

"What?" He says, looking me up and down, biting his bottom lip and putting his cold hands on my shoulder. 

"Nothing it's's just fascinating to me how something I see all day can seem absolutely beautiful to someone else and absolutely disgusting to me." 

He smiles at me and kisses me softly. 

"But why did you have to choose the picture of me laughing?" I say, pulling away once again and laughing at myself. 

He puts his hand on my cheek and stares at me. 

"Because you're smile is amazing." 

 I throw the picture to the side and tackle Hunter, putting all of the love into this one boy that is too pure and too good for this world. 

I start to kiss his neck and I hear is faint moaning in my ear, making me love him even more. 

"I love you so much right now." He says, grunting out the words like it's painful to talk. 

I stop sucking on his neck and giggle but as soon as I do that, hunter flips me over and kisses my stomach, leaving a trail of hickeys down my stomach, getting close but never touching my waist. 

I close my eyes and feel his strong hands grip at my sides, holding me in place as I wiggle through the pleasure. 

I rake my hands through my hair and try not to think of what comes after this. 

💀 💀 💀

Hunter lays next to me, playing with my hand (which is resting on his chest) while I am laying on my stomach, thinking about the amazing time we just had and how it was like no other. 

I know that sounds generic and dumb, but it really was. 

All the other times it was only about the sex, but this time it was about us and how it made us feel emotionally.

The whole time was filled with us laughing at each others attempts to be sexy and moaning at the times that we actually were. 

My back was tingling with the hickeys he arranged in a heart. 

That was probably the funniest part was when he was just on my back yelling at my to stay still and telling me how much he loved me. 

What came after the hickeys, I would rather not talk about. 

Let's just say that Hunter may have 5 less condoms then he had before. 

"So what happens now?" 

Hunter turns towards me and I can still see sweat on his face and his hair is still a little damp. 

"What do you mean 'what happens now'? Isn't that more of a girl question?" I smile at him, but he's too busy thinking to notice. 

 "I know you," Hunter grabs my hand and squeezes, "I know that you love me, and I know that you want to be with me, but some part of you won't let yourself be happy with me. It's like you're dooming yourself to sadness." 

I sit up from the bed and pull the covers to cover myself. 

"If you're asking if we're dating now, I don't know the answer." 

Hunter rubs his temples and sighs. 

"But it's much more complicated then you think, okay? I know you're used to the sad and depressed Bear, but I've changed so much and this time I'm not blaming anyone else for my unhappiness. I know what I've done and I know that I'm responsible." 

Hunter stops rubbing his head and looks at me with a concerned look in his face. 

I grab his hand quickly and squeeze it. 

"This time I want to be with you, I really do. But I would hurt you and you don't deserve that, Hunter. I need to figure some things out and I really really hope that you'll wait for me." 

Hunter takes a minute, but he sits up and caresses my cheek, a faint smile on his face. 

"I'll wait for you until the day I die." 

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