Chapter Four/ Except Hunter

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Walking up the steps to Hunter's house felt like I was walking straight up to the Murder House from American Horror Story.

My heart felt like it was on fire and I craved another hug with Hunter.

Once I stepped in to the house though, my nervousness disappeared and it was replaced by awe and a vague feeling of...home maybe?

A women steps in front of me and smiled so sweetly that I think I have a cavity.

"Hi I'm Carol Wood, Hunter's mom. It is so good to meet the girl that Hunter cannot stop talking about!"

I can see Hunter blush out of the corner of my eye and I offer my hand for her to shake, but Mrs. Wood has other plans as she pulls me in to a hug.

One almost as warming as Hunter's.

A man steps beside her and offers me a closed mouth smile, shoving his hands in his pockets and looking at Hunter, slightly nodding his head.

"Bear, this is my dad, Paul."

I wave a little at the man that looks like he could destroy me, but before he can open his mouth, a little girl runs in to him and attaches herself to his leg.

He smiles broadly at the giggling toddler on his calf.

"This is Caitlin, my sister."

Caitlin detaches herself and her father picks her up, the ghost of a smile on his face.

Caitlin hides her face and wraps her arms around her dad's shoulders like I'm a monster or something evil and gross like that.

Mr. Wood puts Caitlin down on the floor and she shoots off up the stairs without a word.

"Well Bear, we are so glad to have you over and we cannot wait for the chance to get to know you better."

I tell them what they want to hear like the good little robot I am and when they're finally done testing me, they let me settle down on the couch to recharge.

Hunter plops down so close next to me, that I can smell the ocean again.

"I know they're a lot to take in, but they're pretty okay people. They donate to charities and all that. Sometimes they get on my nerves but other then that, they trust me to do whatever I want most of the time."

I nod towards the noise of his voice, but I'm not focusing on him.

I'm focusing on the laughing coming from the kitchen.

I'm focusing on the happiness that I could feel radiating off of Mrs. Wood.

I'm focusing on the life I used to have.

I'm focusing on the life I lost.

💀 💀 💀

Mr. and Mrs. Wood call us in to the kitchen after a couple of minutes and tell us that dinner is ready.

Hunter leads me in to the dining room and sits me down beside him.

I count the chairs and see that there's an extra one.

There's a 6th chair, but no one to fill it.

Hunter sees me looking at it and sighs, his fork hitting his plate as he lets it drop.

"My older brother Joe isn't here. I mean, he is here, but he just doesn't want to you right now."

I should feel hurt, right?

But the weird thing about me, is that I'm used to being an unliked person. It's just been programmed in my chip I guess.

I look down at the limp asparagus and the grilled fish and something shakes in my stomach.

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