Chapter Two/ I Want To Kiss Him So Badly Right Now

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I didn't know how to deal with the thought that Tyler cheated on me once again.

There are always three ways to handle figuring out that your boyfriends cheated on you: you can either cry, get mad, or one of my personal favorites, get even.

The thing is, I don't have anyone to get even with.

I would totally do it with a guy friend, but all of the guys in my school are either scared of me or they think I'm a nut case. Which I kind of am.

I hop off of my bed and grab my phone off of the table, walking out of the door and down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" It's a whisper that sounds from the darkest corner of the room.

My mother stands there with Star in her arms and her head facing down to the ground, obviously surprised at herself for showing me that she gave a shit.

"Out," I say, opening the door to freedom and slamming it in my wardens face.

💀 💀 💀

When I was 7 and things at home got hard, I would run out of the house and go to the park a couple blocks down.

I would sit on one of the swings and fold my arms, my tears splattering on my shirt.

Then my dad would come in to the park and run over to me, crouching so that he was at my level.

He would always tell me a story about a lonely bear that had no one to talk to, that no one understood. He would say that sometimes when it got to be too much for the bear, the bear would run away, crying and go to his happy place: the park.

As a kid, I never understood that the story was about me.

I just used to think that if the bear and I met, I would finally have a friend.

I wipe my tears with the back of my sleeve and sniffle, rocking my feet back and forth, moving the wood chips away from the brown dirt.

"Are you okay?"

I glance up and see a boy about my age, standing in front of me with his hands in his pockets and his shoulders up.

His brown hair is moved off to the side and his blue eyes start to pierce my soul as I nod my head and start to stand up from the swings.

He nods back to me and walks towards the benches as I near the gate.

Suddenly, I stop in my tracks: this could be my one chance to get back at Tyler for cheating on me for the sixth time.

I turn around and head towards him, sitting close next to him and smiling slightly, letting a loose piece of hair drift in to my face.

He puts in headphones and closes his eyes, his finger tapping slightly on his leg.

Why won't he look at me?

"What're you listening to?" I ask, trying to get his attention and hoping that the music isn't too loud that he can't hear me.

"Cigarette Daydreams by Cage the Elephant." he says, a little smirk playing on his lips.

My hand goes to my mouth.

"I LOVE THAT BAND! I hate how almost no one knows about them!"

He looks surprised at my sudden outburst and I lean back on the bench, my cheeks flushing.

"Sorry." I murmur, trying to forget about the embarrassment.

"It's okay. I hate it too."

He shuts his eyes again, leaning his head back slightly.

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