Chapter Twenty-Two/ "I Already Have My Wish."

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We fling pancake mix at each other until Caitlin tramps down the stairs and asks what we're doing, but by that time we're both drenched in batter and have no excuse for what we were doing so I just tell her to go and watch cartoons while I clean up. 

"While we clean up." Hunter says, stressing the "we" out, making it perfectly clear to me that he's not going to leave me just quite. 

I nod my head and start to wet a paper towel so that I can start scraping the almost dried batter off the walls and floor. 

Hunter does the same as me and cleans right next to my side, his hand always finding its way to mine. 

We get the wall and the floor clean and Hunter offers to clean up the counter and start breakfast if I want to take a shower and freshen up. 

I gladly take the offer and glide through the kitchen, opening my luggage and searching around it trying to find some decent clothes. 

"Hey, Bear!" 

I hear Hunter call my name in the kitchen and he pokes his head out before I have any time to answer him. 

"I have another concert today if you want to come." 

I think about all of the bad things that happened at his concerts and my face frowns, my thoughts then going to the question of: Who would watch Caitlin? 

"Don't worry, you're my plus one and my back up drummer, Anthony is gonna watch Caitlin while we're away." 

He knows me so well. 

I nod my head in approval and Hunter smiles even wider and pops his head back in to the kitchen, leaving me flabbergasted with my luggage half open and my jaw hitting the floor. 

💀 💀 💀

My shower takes a least an hour for me to feel completely clean and ready for whatever was coming tonight. 

I turned off the then cold water and wrapped a towel around my body and my hair, my wetness getting the floor slippery. 

I put lotion on my arms and my legs, making sure that there is no trace of any gross things on my skin (like sweat and dirt and all that yucky stuff). 

I bend over to put on my underwear and my strapless black lace bra, still leaving the towel on my head so that I don't get my clothes wet. 

I grab my City Chic lace love top and slide it over my head (which is pretty hard to do considering I have a towel on my head). 

Then with that securely on my body, I start putting on my Helmut Lang leather and denim skinny pants (which is hell putting on while you're wet, but also hilarious because I kept hopping around). 

When my clothes were on, I took off the towel on my head and pulled it in to a high ponytail, making sure not to brush it 'cause I wanted that "wavy" look. 

I apply my navy blue eye shadow, some mascara, some lip balm and finally put on some mint green stiletto nails (which made me feel like a witch). 

I open the bathroom door to see Caitlin standing there, clutching her little teddy bear like it's her life support, her lip trembling. 

"Where're you going, Bear?" 

I shrink down to her level and grab the only hand that isn't death clutching a teddy bear. 

"You're brother and I are going to listen to some music and his friend Anthony is going to watch you while we're away." 

I can see the tears in her eyes get bigger. 

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