Chapter Nineteen/"You're Back."

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I stayed up all night, Hunter's possible words echoing in my brain. 

The possible apologizes that could have been made, the mistakes he could have possibly taken back, but I didn't hear any of it because I was too hard headed to stay and listen. 

I tossed and turned all night and didn't get one wink of sleep. 

The sun started to come up when my phone began to ring. 

I turn my body towards it and see that Hunter is calling me. 

Confusion clouds my eyes and is quickly clouded with anger and the feeling of wanting to hurt him as much as he hurt me. 

I pick up my phone and snarl in to it, waiting for the apologizes to commence but instead I hear a women's voice. 

"Is this Bear Lily? This is Mrs. Wood speaking and I just wanted to ask her something."

My cheeks blush and and I clear my throat. 

"Hi Mrs. Wood. This is Bear." 

"Oh! Hi Bear! I was just wondering, my husband and I are going out of town for a couple of days and we were going to have Hunter watch over Caitlin, but since his little accident, we've realized that he's in no condition to be watching his little sister." 

I sit up in my bed and clear my throat. 

"So I was just wondering if it would be okay with you if you could watch Caitlin for a couple days. There's a spare bedroom upstairs right next to her room and you'd stay there with her until we came back." 

I stay silent, not knowing what to think. 

"Of course it would all be up to your mom." 

I have to hold in my laugh. 

"Yeah that's fine. When do you want me to come over?" 

"At 10:00 today, is that okay? And then you'd stay for two nights and my husband and I will be back home at 10:00 in the morning." 

I nod my head and rub my temples, trying to make myself remember all of that. 

"Okay, that sounds good. I'll see you soon." 

I hang up the phone and glance around my room, looking for a luggage or some kind of bag so I can put my things in it. 

I finally find my black leather suitcase I used to use for my Barbie's when I was little and I walk over to it. 

I open it up and dump some clothes in it, not playing attention to what kind they are, just throwing them in. 

I put some shoes in there as well and close up the bag. 

I take out a piece of paper and scribble a note on it for my mom to find if she finds the need to care where I went. 

I cap the pen and put a sweater on, dragging my suitcase out of my room and down the stairs and out the door. 

I get to my car and open the trunk, stuffing my suitcase in it and closing the lid, locking the car and heading back inside, rubbing my eyes and yawning. 

When I get back to my room, I check the time and see that I have 5 hours of sleep I can get before I need to be at the Woods's house. 

I pull the covers over my head and close my eyes, trying my best to get some sleep. 

💀 💀 💀

My alarm sounds and I struggle to open my eyes to the 9:30 sun. 

I push myself out of bed and walk out of my room, down the stairs and out the door to my car so that I can get Hunter's house in time. 

I quickly get there and hop out of my car, taking my luggage out and plopping it up the stairs one at a time. 

I ring the doorbell and Mrs. Wood hugs my hello and shows me around the house, killing my ears with information about poison control and how Caitlin can't have spinach because she gets tummy aches. 

I tune her out and look at the sofa with longing. 

Finally she hugs me goodbye and her and her husband close the door behind them and leave. 

I plop down on the couch and rub my temples, closing my eyes and leaning back, feeling the comfortableness of the pillows. 

And as soon as I know it, I'm fast asleep. 

💀 💀 💀

Someone is poking my eye and sitting on my stomach. 

Maybe I'm outside and a dog is sitting on me while a hobo is trying to dig out my eye with a spoon so he can get an extra few dollars for a burger. 

My eyes pop open and I see a little blonde haired blue eyed girl sitting on me with a sweet little smile on her face. 

"Hi my name is Caitlin and I'm 8 years old and my brother had an accident a little bit ago and now he's not really my brother and my other brother is a little weird and so yeah but I'm really normal and I like playing with Barbie's and my favorite Barbie is named Patricia and do you wanna play with me I could be Patricia and you could be my other favorite Barbie named Lily." 

I am amazed that she has enough lung capacity to finish all of that. 

I blink a couple times and yawn loudly, sitting up and picking her up off of me. 

"Caitlin I'm really tired maybe ask Hunter if he wants to play with you. We can play after dinner." 

She stomps her foot and runs upstairs with her arms crossed in front of her. 

I rub my eyes and get up from the couch, smoothing out my pants and heading over to the kitchen to check out the time. 

I glance up at the clock and see that it's already 8:30. 

Holy shit I slept for 10 hours?!

I gasp and run around the kitchen trying to find something that would suffice for dinner to an 8 and a 17 year old. 

I rummage around through the cabinets and drawers looking for something...anything. 

"I already fed Caitlin some pasta. There's some leftovers in the fridge if you want some." 

I turn around and see Hunter leaning against the wall with sweatpants on and no shirt, his head turned down at the ground.

"Oh." I say, resting my hands on the counter and relaxing my shoulders. 

"I saw you sleeping and I didn't want to wake you up. You looked like you had a long night last night." 

I nod my head and go to the fridge, pulling out the pasta and dumping some on to a plate for me. 

"Hey...uh...I haven't had dinner yet either so maybe we can eat...together?" 

I look at him and smile a little. 

"Why didn't you eat?" 

He looks at me and the corners of his mouth turns up, a little bit of the twinkle in his eyes, showing. 

"I wanted to wait for you so you wouldn't have to eat alone." 

I run over to Hunter and hug him tightly, squeezing his neck and pulling him close to me. 

It takes him a little bit to put his arms around my waist and to pull me close to him as well. 

I bury my nose in his neck and smell in his scent, hoping that I'll never have to miss it again. 

"You're back."

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