Chapter Thirteen/And That's When I Slapped The Asshole

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I've been waiting for Hunter in the hospital for 5 hours now. My hands are shaking and my blood soaked dress is staining my thighs.

I am the only one in the waiting room wearing something sexy, all of the other people are wearing something more casual like sweaters and sweatpants and old t-shirts with holes in them.

Everyone is staring at me with their eyes widened and their heads cocked to the side.

I guess they don't understand.

They don't understand, but when do they ever?

💀 💀 💀

There is something about the way that Hunter's parents are hugging each other and crying and the way that Joe is sitting in the corner by himself is making me feel uncomfortable.

The doctor came out a few hours ago and told us that when he was brought in they found some blood clotting in his brain but luckily it was an easy fix and he was out of surgery but sleeping it off right now and he would let us know if and when he woke up.

The doctor took me aside and asked me who I was and if I was his sister.

I shook my head and told him that we were just friends.

The doctor smiled and shook her head, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Before we put him under, Hunter woke up and started saying something about a black bear and how much he wanted to see it."

My hands start to shake.

"My guess is, you're the black bear."

She smiles and walks away.

I look down at my dress and finally realize how inappropriate it is.

I start to cover up my arms when something drapes over my shoulders.

I whip around quickly and see Joe with his jacket in mid air, his eyes a little bigger then usual.

"You looked like you were a little uncomfortable so without Hunter here, I thought I would help you out."

I nod and let him drape the coat over my shoulders.

His hands brush my neck and it sends shivers down my spine.

I shake my head and turn around, awkwardly smiling my thanks.

Joe goes to sit down and I start pacing, becoming well aware the every time I take a step, people can hear the clacking of my heels.

The lady at the front desk glares at me and I head to the seat next to Joe.

He takes my hand and squeezes it.

I squeeze it back.


I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and I remove my hand from Joe's to look at it.

Adam: Hey is everything okay with Hunter? I heard from some groupies that he had an accident.


He has groupies?

I shake my head to get rid of the nasty thoughts and hover my thumbs over the keyboard, thinking of what to type.

Bear: He's fine. The doctors just operated on him and he's sleeping it off. They'll let us know when and if he wakes up.

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