Chapter Eight/"I Don't Want To Either."

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He pulled away.

"I can't. I'm sorry."

My heart sinks back in to the shell that it came out of and I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, my face slowly getting redder as I think of how stupid I was.

He doesn't like me.

Why did I ever think he did?

"Bear I..."

"I'm ready to go home. I don't really feel good." I cut him off and start packing up the food, stuffing it in the basket.

He nods and folds the blanket as Charlie finishes the song and says goodnight to the crowd.

💀 💀 💀

We get in the car and the music blasts me in the face again, but I tune it out as glance out the window, trying to distract myself by staring at trees, but it doesn't work and tears start running down my face.

I want to die.

I don't want to live anymore.

He was the only good part of my life and now it's over and there is nothing for me here anymore.

A tear slides down my arm and splatters on my thigh, but I don't pay attention.

I don't care.

I don't want to feel anything so I don't.

I shut it off.

I'm not a person anymore.

I'm just...alive.


💀 💀 💀

As Hunter drops me at my house, he tries to talk to me, but I open the door and run inside. I'm not going to listen to him explain himself again.

I run up to my room and close the door, searching for my phone, wanting to call Tyler and tell him that I'm sorry and that we should make up for the date tonight.

I grab my phone and call Tyler.

He picks up on the first ring and I explain things and he agrees to meet me at the park at 10.

I look at my clock and see that I have 30 minutes to get there, so I drape a blanket over my shoulders and leave my house, slowly walking back to my boyfriend.


I get to the park with 10 minutes to spare, I stuff my hands in my pockets and stroll around the park, kicking the wood-chips out of my way and leaving fresh dirt behind me.

I finally plop down on the ground and pick up a stick, dragging it across some fresh dirt, subconsciously drawing a heart and a B and an H inside of it.

I finally come to and I quickly stand up, kicking it with my foot and dragging some wood-chips over it.

I stand up and wipe the dirt off my butt when I hear someone clear their throat from behind me.

I turn around and see Tyler with the girl I saw yesterday right at his side, his hand encased in her's and a wild smile on her face.

I start to feel confused.

Tyler always went back to me and he never stayed with his hookup's.


"Listen, Bear. I know you're confused and all that shit, but she's being real nice to me and she's not messed the fuck up so she's chill."

The girl blushes and tries to hide from me.

I clear my throat lightly and stare at the ground, redness filling my cheeks.

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