Chapter Twenty-Three/ What The Hell Have I Done.

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Going inside of the building was a little tricky because there were so many fans there waiting for Hunter that, if we stepped inside we would be ambushed.

These big men had to escort us in to the building through the back, their arms around us and a couple trailing behind us and some in front of us.

It was probably the weirdest thing I've ever experienced in my life.

We enter the building through a side door that's hidden by some brushes and that leads directly to Hunter's changing room, where his band and crew is waiting for him.

The drummer is beating his sticks against a table with his headphones in, the guitarist and bass is strumming and there's a women standing in the middle with glasses halfway on her nose and a clipboard in her arms.

"Hunter, finally. We need to discuss your wardrobe for tonight's performance."

The women rips Hunter away from me and leads him out of the room and down the hall, taking to him non stop.

I fold my arms nervously and look around the room, trying not to look too awkward.

"Hey. The name's Max, I'm the drummer."

Max had taken off his headphones, but his drum sticks were still twirling in his hand.

"Are you another one of Hunter's concert hoes?" The guitarist looks up at me and her eyes glare, her black makeup smeared all over her face.

I look at her with amazement as the bassist laughs and hits her on the shoulder, his blue eyes looking into mine.

"Don't mind her, she just hates when Hunter flirts with her and then turns down her hook ups cause he 'claims' to love someone."

The guitarist blushes and drops her head back to her guitar.

Max looks back at me and smiles.

"Well it's just too bad that you aren't one of his little play things," he winks at me, lightly biting his bottom lip, "cause we used to have quite the time with them, me and Hunter."

He spanks my ass just as Hunter walks in (he luckily doesn't see because I have no idea what he would have done if he did).

"Ms. Delou, please leave me alone. I don't want to wear that stupid thing on stage."

She made like she was going to pester him more, but Max crossed the floor and took her shoulders.

"Sis, you got Molly to look the way she does and you even got me to wear a shirt half the concert, but there is no way you are changing Hunter's look. He's the hottest guy on the stage and we don't want to ruin that."

He lets go of her and twirls his drum sticks again as his sister fixes her sliding glasses.

Hunter laughs and walks over to me, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him.

Max looks over at us and smirks, catching me eye and winking at me.

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They go up on stage a couple of minutes later, Hunter kisses me on the cheek telling me that he'd see me later.

Max winked at me, Molly snarls and the bassist is too busy kissing some groupie to notice that I'm still there.

I hear the crowd scream louder when they jump on the stage and I hurry up to get out there so I can watch them perform.

I get out there and I see Hunter up on the stage with a huge smile on his face, looking at everyone in the front row, and seeing him so happy puts this automatic smile on my face.

I look around for some kind of bar, but I can't spot anything so I just hug the wall and stare up at the stage.

"This first song goes out to a special girl. She knows who she is."

I feel the blush going to my cheeks but thankfully it's dark so no one can see my cheeks turning a brilliant shade of pink.

"For all the times that you rain on my parade, and all the clubs you get in using my name." Hunter sings this verse with his eyes closed and a screwed expression on his face.

My back stands to attention as soon as he starts singing and the smile and blush disappear.

"And I didn't want to write a song cause I didn't want anyone thinking I still care, I don't."

Hunter jumps down from the stage and security guards instantly surround him so that the fans don't tackle him.

"My mama don't like you and she likes everyone and I never like to admit that I was wrong. And I've been so caught up in my job, didn't see what was going on but now I know, I'm better sleeping on my own."

He starts to climb the stairs towards me and I jump off of the wall and my vision starts to get blurry.

He finally reaches me and touches my arm.

"Cause if you like the way you look that much, oh baby you should go and love yourself. And if you think that I'm still holdin' on to somethin' you should go and love yourself"

Tears slide down my cheek as he grabs on to my arm.

"For all the times that you made me feel small. I fell in love, now I feel nothin' at all. Had never felt so low when I was vulnerable. Was I a fool to let you break down my walls?"

He takes my hand and bends down on one knee, looking up at me and I notice for the first time that he's crying too.

"Maybe you should go and love yourself."

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They played happy dancing songs after that and nothing out of the ordinary happened either.

No one came up to me and asked me if we were dating or anything, girls just stared at me when I passed them and some of them even handed me the drinks they had brought with them.

When the concert finished and they said goodbye to the crowd, I didn't go backstage, I just left the building and waited by the car watching as everyone left.

After about an hour I see Max running out of the building and I stand up, thinking that something had happened to Hunter or something, but he just grabs my face and kisses me harshly, I can even taste the vodka on his lips.

And I don't know what makes me do it, I really don't. I'm not mad at Hunter or anything and I still love him with all of my heart, but something made me hold on to Max and kiss him back.

After a while, he pulls away and smiles at me.

"Where's Hunter?" I ask, my voice no louder than a whisper.

"Don't worry beautiful, he's discussing something with my sister. They've been in her office ever since we got off stage. She's probably yelling at him for going up to and singing during the performance."

I nod my head and Max starts to kiss my neck, making goose bumps run up and down my spine.

He slams me against the car and I let out an involuntary moan as he sucks on my neck even harder.

And then he pulls away and this time I almost yell at him.

"My car is down over there."

He raises his eyebrows and I nod my head slowly and he grabs my hand and runs me over to his car, opening the car door for me and smiling his ass off.

"Get ready to be fucked out of your brains bitch."

What the hell have I done.

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