Chapter Nine/ The Betrayal

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We didn't do much at my house, we just sat around listening to my music and talking about the concert.

We briefly talked about what happened when I was in the park, but I left out the part about Tyler and his new girlfriend. 

I didn't want to sound like I was "unstable" or something.

We talked about how Hunter joined a new band called Hunter and The Afflictions cause evidently Hunter was the one who came up with the whole band idea.

As he was leaving my house a little while later, he started telling me that they had a show coming up and that I should come and see it, but I declined the offer.

He nodded his head and said he understood, but he still gave me the address of the place and he was playing at and the time I should be there (plus the date) just in case I changed my mind.

But I knew I wouldn't.

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I've been staring at the note Hunter gave me for the past 2 hours.

Hunter and The Afflictions are playing in a couple days at 3627 Main Avenue. It's an abandoned building.

Come on in at 9:00 and the show should be over around midnight.

Hunter and The Afflictions wish that you can make it!


I collapsed on my bed and sighed.

I stare at my ceiling and start to remember the feeling of his lips on my cheek and his stubble scratching my face.

I flip on my stomach and check my phone, even though I know that there isn't going to be any notifications.

Which is why I'm so surprised to see that someone followed me on Instagram: H&TA.

I roll my eyes and open my phone, looking through their pictures, seeing Hunter in almost all of them, smiling and sweating with a guitar slung around his arm.

There are some pictures that show them performing in front of crowds that seem really big and they all have their hands up.

One in particular catches my eye though.

It has Hunter with his arm wrapped around some girl that looks super familiar, but I don't know where I've seen her from.

She's smiling and she has a t-shirt on that she obviously made herself.

The captions says: Our biggest fan, couldn't have made it to the top without you!

They tagged her in the picture so I clicked on it and my heart almost dropped out of my ass when I realized who it was.

That made so much sense.

She avoided him in school all year.


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I spent the rest of the day (plus the next) thinking about what I should do about Hunter and his concert that was in a couple of hours.

Alexis was going to be there, I knew that for sure because she's their "biggest fan", and I don't want her to be there smooching on Hunter.

At 7:30, I finally decide that I'm going to go to the concert.

If not to make sure that Alexis stays off of him, to cheer him on.

I mean, he is my friend.

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