Chapter Twenty/"I'm sorry."

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Hunter doesn't say anything to me, he just stands there and hugs me back, his head held straight which is totally not like him. 

I let go and look at him, but his head is already staring back at the ground. 

"What's wrong?" I ask, stepping away from him so that maybe that way he'll look at me. 

Hunter doesn't say anything, he just puts his hand on his stomach and rubs it, still looking at the ground. 

I give him some time to answer me, but he doesn't so I wave my hand at him and start to heat up some pasta for my dinner, trying to forget about Hunter standing behind me. 

The microwave beeps and I take out the pasta and go past him and towards the living room, sitting down on the couch and turning on the television. 

"Previously on the walking dead..." 

I take a forkful of pasta and shove it in to my mouth, my eyes mesmerized on my favorite show of all time. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Hunter turn around and look at me for a little and then walk up the stairs, his shoulders hunched over. 

I shake my head and turn my attention back to the t.v, telling myself that there is nothing wrong. 

That's when I hear the music. 

The sweet melody of Birdy playing from upstairs. 

And then I drop my bowl on the floor and pasta stains the carpet. 

I get up from the couch and slowly walk up the stairs, the song blaring from upstairs, getting louder with every step I take. 

I get to the top and it's not even occurring to me that Caitlin is probably awake because of the blaring music. 

I go to Hunter's door and don't bother knocking on it, just heading inside. 

I promise to not look in to his eyes and fall instantly in love with him again. 

I promise that I'm done with all of this mushy gushy love nonsense that everyone's talking about. 

It's all a bunch of garbage. 

He's laying on his bed on hi back, staring at his ceiling and his fingers tapping to the beat of the music. 

His sweatpants are splayed on his floor and he's only wearing his boxers, but I don't pay attention to the fact that he's almost naked. 

Suddenly the music drastically changes and some kid starts humming. 

"I've done it before, I've seen it before tears splash the floor when I open the door for her. She acting like a whore and Imma let her learned from Project Pat, pimping, got a masters, girl, improvise look me in the eyes and lie to me, lie to me act like I'll believe anything sex on the beach and in the backseat, this could be us..."

The beat in the song and voices of the rappers makes me want to dance crazily like I've never done before, but I hold myself back and pause the music on Hunter's phone. 

He doesn't react to the fact that the music is off, he just keeps staring at the ceiling with this blank look on his face. 

"Hunter?" I move to the side of his bed and recall that any kind of brain surgery can lead to blood clot in your brain and you could die. 

Please please please don't let him be dead. Please. 

"Hunter." I say it this time with more authority, trying to act less scared. 

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