Chapter Six/"You Saved Me. Again."

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I stare at my blonde locks in the mirror, not liking the way that the light bounced off of my yellow locks.

I take the black hair dye and look at myself in the mirror, scissors in my other hand and a slight smile on my face.

I am going to enjoy every moment of this.

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I don't look like myself and I love it.

Maybe my name isn't Bear anymore and maybe my dad didn't leave me and my mother pays attention to me.

Maybe I have a loving boyfriend who always brings me flowers and knows me better then I know the back of my hand.

Maybe my life is perfect and I feel bad for the people who aren't as fortunate as me.

But, I'm still Bear.

I don't have the best boyfriend in the world and my dad is gone and my mother pretends that I don't exist.

I'm still me except my hair is black and I have bangs.

I smile in the mirror and let out a big sigh, my bangs fluttering up.

I clean out the bathroom, stuffing the scissors in my pocket and wrapping the hair dye in toilet paper then throwing it away so that my mom doesn't find out (at least now).

I look at myself in the mirror again and smile once more.

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I get back to my room and look at the boy in my bed, his hair ruffled and his muscular arm wrapped around a pillow.

Okay I know what you're thinking: we had sex, but no we didn't.

After I told him what was going on, we laid in my bed for a while (probably until midnight).

He started to get up and tell me that he had to go home, but I begged him not to leave me alone, so he didn't.

He stayed with his arm wrapped around me and my head on his chest, breathing in his smell.

I take the beanie from the floor and put it on my head, stuffing my new black hair in the hat so that when Hunter wakes up, he doesn't flip out.

I look back at Hunter and see a little smile on his face as he shifts to the side, still sleeping.

I quietly walk to my desk and get out my notebook and a pen, tapping it on the desk trying to think about what I should write down.

Finally, something pops in to my head.

I've had a long hard haul these past few months. This new boy has come to town and it's been interfering with my relationship with Tyler.

I think I might like the Hunter (the new boy).

We've been hanging out and it's starting to feel like he knows me better than Tyler does.

I think the big thing is, is that I actually want to tell him things. I want him to understand me.

I guess I'm tired of being alone in this world and I've finally found a person who likes listening to me.

I think I've finally found someone who tries to understand.

I put my pen down and shut my notebook, stuffing it underneath a couple of books so that it's not easily accessible to anyone.

I look back at Hunter again and see that he's still asleep, so I go to my dresser and start looking for some clothes to put on.

I find a plain yellow shirt and some shorts.

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