Chapter 1

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The small village was quite as Zeh Skurn settled down outside the crummy shop where a middle aged local was working on her ship, the dumb thing had broken down and she narrowly managed to force it to land on this planet before the engine gave out completely. With a sigh she glanced back impatiently, how long would this take? The longer she was here the longer she would have to wait to earn more credits... not to mention the fact that the locals were already nervous of her purpose there.

No one liked her kind, they were seen as distrustful, but it wasn't like she had kidnapped the mechanic to fix her ship! Sure it had crossed her mind, but that wasn't the type of bounty hunter she was, she was more of the avoid trouble because it would find her soon enough without her help considering the usual 'shoot first' policy some bounty hunters had.

"How does it look?" She called back and saw the man jump and turn around.

"B-bad." He paused before continuing. "But nothing I can't fix, don't worry about that!"

"Good, hurry and I might pay you double." Skurn glanced at the sky uneasily; she didn't want to stay on this planet.

The man set to work again and she turned her gaze to another pair of newcomers into the village, apparently Jakku was a popular place today. The screen on the inside of her helmet brought up a closer up view and she quickly took notice of the symbol of the Resistance on his pilot uniform, his companion didn't wear any symbol on his brown cloak but Skurn could guess they were traveling together. The system in her suit switched off but she continued to observe their movements with caution, anywhere she went in the galaxy where the Resistance showed up usually had trouble close behind.

Unfortunately they saw her to, or at least the cloaked one did, and he quickly changed his companion's course to walk over, she tensed as she saw the lightsaber at his belt but continued to pretend to ignore them. It didn't work.

"Do you know where the elder is?" The brown-cloaked man questioned.

Skurn turned to look at him, taking in his sickly pale skin that contrasted greatly with his brown eyes before moving on to his Jedi garbs. "Aren't your kind dead?"

The pilot frowned. "What's it to you? Are you a spy?"

"No." Her eyes darted down to an orange and white droid she had managed to miss earlier. "I was just asking a question, I had heard rumors the new Jedi were killed."

"We'll... they're wrong." The Jedi responded and folded his arms, feigning toughness, which amused her faintly.

Skurn scoffed and sat up but they were saved from her next comment as the mechanic walked out. "You said you were looking for Lor San Tekka, the elder, yes?"

"Yeah, can you tell us where he is? We have a question for him." The Jedi man smiled as he talked to the native.

"Other side of the street and the end of town. Just keep going straight, you'll find it." The mechanic replied before going back to work.

The pilot sent her a look as they left before muttering to his companion. "Just had to find a bounty hunter didn't you? Probably a spy too."

Skurn smirked; let him believe what they wanted so long as she was left out of their little war. All she wanted was her ship repaired, something hard to do on this planet considering their lack of normal technology, and get another mission. The pain that usually throbbed in her head increased slightly until she winced, looking around she saw the Jedi turn his head back around and whisper to the pilot... her eyes narrowed. She knew they had tricks with the force, what had he been doing in her head?

"Freaking Jedi, think they can do whatever with their power..." Skurn shook her head to clear it and glanced down at the palm of her gloved hand to watch the power cell flicker back to life and ease the pain in her mind.

"You shouldn't say things like that." The mechanic told her solemnly. "It could get someone like you killed."

She scoffed at the man's words and brushed her jacket back enough to reveal the lightsaber on her belt, stolen of course, but that didn't mean she didn't know how to fight with it. "He doesn't scare me."

Skurn smirked as he went back to work before standing up and pacing around to stretch her legs. Eyes staring into her back made her turn back around to see the Jedi standing outside Lor San Tekka's house watching her, perhaps his friend had talked some sense into keeping an eye on her. A short laugh escaped as she saw him look away quickly, she almost wanted to cause some trouble to raise his suspicion.

A shadow passed over the slowly darkening sky and she looked up to see several ships flying overhead before landing near the edge of town. Her dread grew as they did so, where the Resistance went... the First Order was sure to follow and it looked like they were finally here. She backed towards her ship as Storm Troopers began to walk out along with a figure in black with a very unique red lightsaber ready to kill.

"Can it fly?" She demanded to know as she lowered the ramp to get in. "I have to leave now!"

"It won't work, you wouldn't make it out of the atmosphere." He warned, which made her pause and give an irritated sigh. "I'm afraid you're stuck here for now."

"I will not die here with you!" Skurn shouted in frustration and felt her head throb a bit more as her anger increased. She winced from the pain though the man didn't notice, good thing too otherwise she would have to kill him for seeing her weakness.

"Die?" The mechanic seemed confused for a few moments... then the gunfire started and he turned pale with fear. "Oh no... No, this isn't good!"

Skurn rolled her eyes under her helmet; of course this wasn't good. She couldn't escape and the Storm Troopers were getting closer judging by the shadows from fire and gunfire... so the only option left was to hide. To hide and fight to her last breath when they found her. She shot the useless mechanic, a dead man couldn't blab about where she ran to, before putting the blaster away and running out the back of the shop. 

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