Chapter 8

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The invisible force knocked her back to the ground once more and the weapon clattered to the ground as Kylo stepped on her wrist, pinning it to the ground. Skurn gave a hiss of pain before flipping towards him and using her body to shove him off. The Sith was going easy on her, she could tell that much, but this sparring session was far from over... unless he kept using the Force. Which in her opinion was cheating a bit on his part.

She scowled at him. "You said we were doing physical combat, not the Force, you know I can't control it completely! Why do you get to use it?"

"In a fight against a strong opponent, have they ever held back anything just because you couldn't fight back the same way? You're a bounty hunter! You should know this!" Kylo used the Force and tossed her into the wall where she crumbled to the ground. "Get up and show me you can fight!"

Skurn started to get to her feet before collapsing again in a heap with a groan, that had hurt a lot more than when he'd done that yesterday, a training session she still had bruises and slight headache from. Footsteps approached and she tensed, judging by the sound he would be in position any second... she waited a few moments longer before jumping up and whirling to face him, a hidden blade sliding out of her jacket at the wrist as she did so. If he wanted to play with extra strengths then she would fight that way too, not like it wasn't unusual for her to fight dirty anyway. In fact, Skurn enjoyed to. Kylo ducked back under her swipe before sending a hard jab into her throat and a kick to the back of her knees.

Falling to her knees, she activated the jets on her boots and flew slightly above him, expertly balancing in the air despite the placing of the jetpacks. Even her old mentor had been quite surprised, and pleased, with how she managed them. Skurn spun in the air, landing a hard kick to his helmet to make Kylo stumble back, before seeing a blur of red and feeling pain as she hit the wall and floor. A gloved hand hauled her to her feet before shoving her away so she staggered, looking at the ground she could see her jets cleanly cut in two. Anger surged through her and she glared at Kylo from under her helmet before regaining her footing and holding her hands out towards him.

The good thing was the Sith flew back onto the ground like she'd planned, the bad news was everything else in the room, like spare weapons, did as well. Giving Kylo access to just reach out and pick one up to use against her. However, that didn't concern her, all Skurn wanted to do now was break Kylo's lightsaber and see how he dealt with his best resource in a fight getting damaged. She took out a dagger from her belt and kicked Kylo in the stomach so he was flat on his back, the Sith staying limp until she was about to strike before lunging up and forcing her to the ground, the lightning fast movement catching her off balance and breaking her concentration in her anger. Skurn struggled under him, her weapon hand pinned to the ground growing numb as he pressed on the pressure point in her wrist.

"Not good enough." Kylo hissed as he stared down at her. "In a real fight you would be dead. How you aren't already is a true miracle."

"I'm just too stubborn." She growled back just as venomously.

The hatred she gave off could've been visible if it was any stronger as she gave up the struggle. A new plan formed in her mind and she quickly acted, slamming her head into his, metal helmets creating a slight ringing sound in the air, before squirming out of his grip and twisting around to wrap her arm around his neck. Her attack had done as much damage to her as it had him though judging by the ache in her skull and his slowed reaction, but her tight grip still did next to nothing as he rolled and practically crushed her on the floor. Skurn kept her grip, determined to choke him out despite the fact she was having some trouble herself, Kylo didn't look that heavy so why did it feel like he was.

Pain shot through her side and she gave a yelp before looking down to see blood trailing from a not so shallow cut, a moment later her enemy had managed to get free and her air cut off completely as he head his hand towards her. Skurn knew that clawing at her throat would do nothing to stop the pressure but fighting the instinct to do so was a bit hard as she tried to fight between making Kylo stop and tear at the invisible force on her neck. Darkness descended on her vision as she went limp, feeling the burning fade to numbness as death started to reach out and claim her life. Then the pressure was gone, not that she could tell, her body was already shutting down and when the Sith roughly shook her it was almost unnoticeable.

"Get up!" Kylo's command sounded distant in her ears and Skurn tried in vain to listen to him but found her limbs wouldn't respond... He cursed and she felt herself being picked up before blacking out completely.

Temper Kylo, remember your temper... (sorry just had to add this)

Hope you enjoyed the update :)   

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