Chapter 6

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Alder had given up on saving Poe, it had been a week, and the pilot was probably dead or dying while he was still stuck on Jakku. At least he and BB-8 weren't alone anymore... as they were wandering through the Starship Graveyard in search of one he could possibly fix, a scavenger named Rey had found them. After a small scuffle, where he had been given a few bruises from her surprise attack, he had managed to convince her he wasn't a scavenger, which was easy when he revealed his lightsaber. Finally agreeing to help him after hearing his situation, Rey hated the First Order as much as he did; they had spent their time trying to get parts.

They hadn't had much luck however, and as Alder slumped to the ground in the shade to rest once more he realized it wouldn't matter. "Rey, do you even think Poe is still alive?"

The scavenger woman came over and sat near him. "I've never met you friend but he sounds like someone who would find a way to survive."

BB-8 gave a few beeps of agreement and rolled over to them. Alder couldn't help but smile at the little droid. "I hope you're right... The General must think we're both dead by now... She'll be so- so..."

He trailed off and fell silent. His mother had already lost his brother and now after a week of hearing nothing from him... She probably thought he was dead too. Her heart was probably breaking, though Alder knew she'd move on. Leia was strong, she had to be, the entire Resistance depended on her and losing her last son couldn't destroy her. The thought hurt a bit but then he remembered his last conversation... the last time they saw each other before he left for the mission.

"You don't have to go. Dameron can do this on his own." Leia said as he came into the room, ready to head out if he hadn't been called to see her.

Alder nodded. "Yeah, but... I do need to go. I can feel it. I know Poe can get the map by himself but Master Luke is my uncle, I have to help find him. And that means going with Poe."

"I know, I can't stop you either, but just be careful..." Her eyes held concern and a flicker of annoyance went through him.

"It isn't like Poe has the Force either, just because I don't have much of it doesn't make me weak." He instantly regretted his words as the shadow in his mother's eyes deepened. Alder sighed and looked at the ground before glancing back up at her, speaking softer this time. "Mother... I'll be fine. I'll come back perfectly fine and we'll be one step closer to finding Luke, which means I'll be trained to get stronger."

He could tell she didn't believe the last part about him getting better but at least she tried to act like she was supporting his hope. "Of course you will, my brother is an excellent teacher, when you find him I'm sure you'll finish your training... Just be careful, the First Order has eyes and ears everywhere, trouble will follow you if you aren't vigilant."

"I'll be safe." He promised as she gave him a swift, but loving, embrace before pulling away.

"Go on, we need this map found." Her commanding general's voice was back and Alder gave a nod as he turned to leave. "May the Force be with you, Alder."

"And you." He responded back, sending her one last glance as he walked towards Poe.

"Alder, Alder!" Rey shouted at him, snapping the memory from his thoughts. "There's a ship that just crashed, come on!"

He jumped to his feet and followed her, weaving through scraps of ships that littered the earth around them, some of which were large enough to be mountains. When he saw just what kind of ship had just crashed however, his pace slowed until he came to a stop.

"Rey, no! That's from the First Order!" Alder shouted the warning but the scavenger woman ignored it.

With an uneasy feeling he started running again, only slowing when he finally caught up with Rey. She shot him a glance. "No one could have survive that, now come on, it'll be fine."

Alder wasn't sure he wanted to face freshly dead bodies any more than facing living enemies. This time however, he didn't say what was on his mind... he didn't need Rey thinking he was some sort of craven, or at least not more of one. They slowly got closer to the ship and he could make out just how bad the damage was, there were a few tracks leading up to the ship that made him hesitate but Rey just kept on walking... or at least until a dark skinned man in a Storm Trooper uniform walked out. Alder reached for his lightsaber while Rey drew her own weapon.

"Wait!" The enemy held up his hands in surrender, a familiar jacket in his grasp. "Don't shoot!"

He placed his lightsaber back on his belt before edging forward cautiously. "Where did you get that?"

The man glanced at the jacket and back at Alder. "The TIE Fighter-"

"Where's Poe?" Alder snarled, anger suddenly going through him, had he really been this close to seeing his friend again only to lose him?

"The pilot?" The Storm Trooper questioned before a gloomy look swept across his face. "I... I don't think he survived the crash... The rubble, I think it buried him."

"Poe!" Alder screamed and ran past the Storm Trooper, not willing to believe one of the Resistance's best pilots could be dead. "Poe, say something!"

As he examined the wreckage however, it became increasingly clear that Poe wasn't going to respond. Dishearted, Alder turned and walked back out to question the man again... Rey however, seemed to be ahead of him.

"Tell me who you are and why you're here." The warrior like scavenger demanded.

The man glanced at him as he came back out before looking back at the woman. "FN-2187... Your friend though, he called me Finn once."

"You killed him." He growled at 'Finn'. "Why should we trust some First Order soldier?"

"I hated the First Order!" Finn responded immediately. "They kill needlessly and brutally to get to their goals. I was ordered to kill Poe but I got us both out, he was insistent on coming back here for a map and his friend before getting to safety."

Alder glanced at BB-8 as the droid made a series of beeps in response to the Storm Trooper's claim. It wasn't until the little droid actually went in circles did he understand the meaning: trust him. With a glance at Rey she put down her weapon, or at least pointed it away.

"Alright, say we believe you." He spoke up, trying to sound commanding. "Why should we help you out?"

"Who said I need help?" Finn asked.

Rey gave him a look. "You just turned your back on the First Order, do you really think they'll just leave you alone? Mind Trick here and his droid need a way off this rock and you need a way off Jakku before they find your ship... Since we can't find a working one here I was thinking of heading to the nearest town and stealing one. This could be your only chance to get as far away as possible."

Alder was a bit startled when she mentioned stealing a ship but he knew it was probably better than trying to build one. "So, are you in?"

Finn hesitated before nodding. "Yeah, I'm in. I don't having anything to lose anyway."

"Great, let's go then. If we hurry we'll be there by sunset and the shadows will hide us." Rey said as she glanced at the sky above.

"I just hope you know that I don't plan on getting mixed up in this war again." Finn responded with a glance at Alder.

Alder looked back. "I never said you would. Once we get a ship I'm flying back to base and you can take it where ever you'd like."

"You can just see the hostility." Rey muttered under her breath, just loud enough to be heard.

Alder frowned slightly, he wasn't trying to be hostile, but apparently even BB-8 agreed... or at least that's what the beeps and whistles sounded like. With a sigh, he allowed silence to fall over them, his thoughts taking over his mind as he focused on controlling his emotions as Master Skywalker had taught him. 

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