Chapter 14

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They had abandoned him... his parents had left him on Takodana to die at the hands of this bounty hunter turned Sith... well Dark sider at least, Kylo wasn't a technical Sith after all. Sure he had wanted them to leave but to just see him be struck down and do nothing? He lifted his head off the ground weakly, the pain in his neck and face flaring as he watched the bounty hunter pace back and forth with her lightsaber drawn. He could keep fighting, she hadn't bothered taking his weapon, but considering it could mean driving the knife in his chest even deeper into his flesh, it wasn't worth the risk... Though he could always just pull it out and shake the non-fatal wound off like a real Jedi would.

"But you were always the coward." He flinched at the pain in his skull as Kylo Ren's voice echoed in his mind, though the man himself wasn't in sight.

"There!" Alder jerked his head to the side as Finn's voice met his ears. "Alder, we're coming!"

He was both relieved and fearful that they had come back for him, though shock triumphed over everything when he saw the man following the ex Storm Trooper. Poe was alive, a bit bruised and cut, but alive! Alder couldn't believe it... here he had thought he'd failed to keep his friend safe. A scream broke from his throat as pain erupted in his chest, glancing away from his friends he found the bounty hunter twisting the knife into his flesh and allowing more blood to seep out.

"Any closer and I kill him." She threatened, the anger radiating off of her nearly choking Alder's senses.

He saw his friends come to a stop through his blurring vision and tensed, conflicted between wanting them to run back to the ship where they should be and wanting them to help him. Poe then took a half step forward and more pain shot through his chest, hadn't Kylo said he was supposed to be taken alive? Would Skurn go against that order? Alder wasn't sure but he did know he could taste blood in his mouth.

"Let him go." Poe demanded, taking out his blaster.

Alder gave another scream as the knife was ripped from his flesh and thrown through the air. His friend gave a short yelp as it opened a cut in his shoulder before firing the blaster. He heard Kylo's apprentice hit the ground with a hiss of pain and sat up just enough to see her already starting to get back to her feet. A glint of another knife in her hand caught his eye and Alder gave a shout of warning before forcing himself to tackle her back to the ground, the pain in his chest doubling.

New pain spread across his body and he groaned as he stared down at the bloody knife that was now lodged under his ribcage. Alder slumped to the side and started coughing blood onto the ground, behind him came the sound of another blaster shot before he felt someone pressing down on his wounds.

"You're going to be alright." Poe encouraged, though his eyes didn't reflect his confidence. "I told General Organa I'd get you back alive, now just stay awake."

Alder shuddered as he felt the blade being pulled out of his body before being replaced by more pressure as his friend tried to slow the bleeding. He could hear Finn fighting the bounty hunter but didn't move to see just who was winning. Why was he so stupid? He should've known this would happen... Why hadn't he at least tried to grab his lightsaber? If he did live... his parents would just see how big of a disappointment he was in a fight. But... he couldn't just break his mother's heart and die like this; she couldn't lose another son.

"Alder!" Poe's voice made him jerk; he hadn't even realized he'd been closing his eyes. "I said stay awake. That means eyes open!"

Alder nodded but then froze as he saw Kylo's form slip out of the trees, his triple bladed lightsaber glowing its deadly red glow as the Dark sider stalked forward. He shakily lifted up his arm and pointed, not trusting his voice with all the blood he had to swallow just to keep breathing. Poe took the hint and turned his head to see the First Order's precious Knight, he looked over to where Alder guessed Finn was fighting before looking down at him.

"We aren't leaving you."

"Dead... anyway." Alder managed to cough out, his eyes starting to close again.

Poe gave him a conflicted look before removing his hand from the wound and standing up. "Finn, we have to go!"

"Alder?" Finn shouted back.

"It's too late!" Poe gave him one last look. "I'll tell your parents you died bravely."

Alder only managed a small nod, barely hearing his words as he started to drift off again. But of course no one was just going to let him die easily. A sharp kick to the ribs made him scream and he looked up to see the two Force users standing over him.

"I said alive." Kylo growled.

"It isn't my fault the idiot impaled himself." Skurn muttered and Alder groaned as she forced him to his feet. "Come on, walk."

"Brother... please..." He whispered, staring at the mask where his brother's eyes should be.

Kylo grabbed him by the back of his cloak and began dragging Alder after him. "Your brother is dead."

Those words sent a chill through his already cold body as he struggled to stand and walk after him. The rough movement kept him awake at least, though if that was a good thing or not it was hard to say. On one hand he wasn't dead just yet but on the other now he would be tortured for information he would never give... right? What if he wasn't strong enough to actually stay silent?

"I think someone is scared." The bounty hunter was staring at him as she walked beside him, making sure he kept up.

His brother gave her a glance. "He's not a real Jedi, I didn't expect him to be fearless... completely pathetic."

Alder wasn't sure what was hurting worst anymore, his wounds or his brother's words. But they rang true... he was pathetic. Pathetic for getting captured, pathetic for getting wounded so badly, he couldn't even defeat a bounty hunter. He stumbled as his legs gave out again and felt someone flinch as they caught him.

He glanced to the side to see Skurn pull him back to his feet, more blood starting to run out of the wound in her arm. "Keep walking."

It was slow but they finally made it to the ship where Alder was shocked to find Rey unconscious on the floor, her hands and feet bound while Storm Troopers stood guard. He felt Kylo shove him to his knees on the floor next to her and didn't try to resist, worried about his new friend's condition. Though he didn't get much time to figure out if she needed medical attention, with one wave of Kylo's hand he felt his body go limp and unconsciousness fall over him...the last thing he was aware of was the bounty hunter's hand release his arm to drop him and his body landing beside Rey's.     

Alright, another update, hope you enjoyed it! 

This trilogy is completed (though obviously not everything is posted yet) and I've started another Star Wars TFA fanfic with a bounty hunter again but this one should be more focused on before the movie and more Hux/ Phasma time once the during the movie happens! Nothing is posted yet but by the next update it should be so check it out if you're interested!

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