Chapter 13

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Skurn blinked awake as someone roughly shook her shoulder and walked by her, it only took a few minutes to remember who that someone was and when she did, she jumped easily to her feet. "Are we here?"

"Yes, is your lightsaber ready?" Kylo asked briskly.

"Of course not, I only had half the trip to even try starting it." She growled. "You at least have a weapon for me to use right?"

He turned to her and unclipped a familiar lightsaber from his belt. "Do not lose this."

Skurn took Vader's lightsaber from him and clipped it onto her own belt on her suit; glad she was able to wear it again. She then proceeded to follow Kylo out of the ship, only giving a moment's pause to take in the forest like surroundings, before reaching his side and matching him step for step. Just because the man was a Sith didn't mean she was going to follow behind him like one of his Storm Troopers. He seemed to notice this, as she caught his mask glinting a bit as he turned his head slightly towards her, but didn't comment as he continued to stay in the shadows of the trees, creeping slowly closer to the location they'd been given.

"Back up should be arriving shortly, they will not escape again." Kylo told her, watching the cantina with interest. "Bring the droid to me if you find it, I don't want it harmed there is valuable information inside of it."

"The others?" She inquired, hoping she'd at least get to kill someone.

"It doesn't matter but..." He trailed off in distraction for a moment to stare at a large smuggling ship as it came into view. "...Leave the old man and Wookie to me."

Skurn swore there was something off in his command but didn't question it. If he wanted to waste time killing two useless life forms then let him. She continued her own observations of the cantina where they were going to attack as Kylo went to pacing behind her, a furious and conflicted emotion seeming to radiate off of him... was something wrong? He was soon snapped out of it as more First Order ships landed and Storm Troopers marched out, Skurn stood up from where she'd been crouching as he walked over to their commander.

"Cover the exits, I'll go in through the main entrance." Kylo growled the information to them before whirling around. "Zeh, follow me."

"Skurn." She muttered under her breath, not really caring what part of her name he used but also not wanting him to just feel like he could call her what he wished.

If he actually heard her he didn't comment and continued his purposeful stride towards the cantina. She quickly followed in his footsteps as the Storm Troopers spread out in attack patterns behind them, almost robotic in their perfectly trained movements. Kylo simply pushed the door open as they entered the cantina and walked in as though he were a welcome guest and not searching for enemies to kill. He activated his lightsaber, the red glow crackling unlike her own blade's weapon as she followed his movements.

"This is a trap, they wanted us to get in easily." He commented quietly to her as the advanced.

Skurn looked at him. "Are we just going to walk into it?"

"They can't win, this is desperate on their behalf... We can kill them easily." He paused a second after saying that before speaking again. "Although... this does seem to be getting interesting."

"What?" She looked up at him.

"I sense someone powerful... though I don't think they realize it." Humor was in his metallic voice as he spoke.

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